Chapter Twenty-Four

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I was flipping through the pages of the textbook when the door at the top of the stairs opened. Oliver came down carrying a pillowcase. Something was inside the bag and fighting to get out. There was a meow.

"It's good to see you're still studying," he said. "This won't take too long, and we'll head out."

"I'm not going to," I said. He raised an eyebrow. "I was thinking, and you yourself do not kidnap people. You won't kidnap my family because you don't have your connection anymore."

"I don't kidnap people, but I can figure it out," he said. "I have your address, keys, and sedatives. I'd be able to sneak into your home in the middle of the night and sedate them before they would even be able to scream. Now, do you want to test me?"

I shook my head. I tossed and turned all night thinking about what Oliver had told me. I thought I found a loophole, but I seemed to somehow forget that he was unhinged.

"Good, now go get changed and put on something pretty," he said.

I looked at myself. I have yet to get changed and was still in my pajamas. My hair was tossed up in a bun on the top of my head.

"If you aren't ready by the time I am finished I will be coming in to help you," he said. "So, I suggest you get ready first."

He went down the hallway carrying the sack. I went down the other hallway and hopped into the shower. I braided my hair after and slipped on a dress. I searched through the dresser and found a cardigan.

I sat down on the floor and stretched my legs. I used to do this before every run. I was going to run as soon as Oliver let me out of his car.

I got up off of the floor when I heard Oliver coming down the hallway. Oliver walked into the room, and his eyes scanned my body.

"Not bad," he said. He held his hand out. "Come on. Let's go."

I bit down on my lip to stop myself from shaking as I raised my hand. He laced his fingers through mine. I stumbled as he pulled me closer to him in a jerky motion. It took every part of me not to push him away.

"Don't try to do anything stupid," Oliver said. "You'll regret it."

He pulled me up the stairs and outside. The sun was setting, but bits of sunlight were poking through the thick pattern of leaves in the trees. Oliver opened the passenger's side door of his car and shoved me in. I was tempted to start running, but I knew that I needed to be smart and wait.

He reached across me and fastened the seatbelt before slamming the door shut. He got into his side and passed me the sunglasses.

"Don't say anything until I tell you to," he said as he pulled out of the driveway. "I'll find who I want to get and you're going to bring them outside."

"What if I can't get them to go outside?" I said.

"They will," he said. "Trust me."

I fiddled with the hem of my sweater as Oliver drove into a small town. There was a row of small shops with the lights off, but I could see a few posters and mannequins in the windows. The street lamps turned on as the sun continued to set. Oliver pulled in behind one of the stores to an empty parking lot.

"Don't say anything," he said once again.

I stepped out of the car as he did. I was tempted to start running but I saw no people on the little downtown street. I needed to wait until I was surrounded by people.

Oliver did not keep a hold on me like he normally does. I walked beside him as he came around the side of the store. A few people walked by us holding hands. I was about to take off running when he grabbed the crook of my elbow and pulled me into one of the stores.

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