Chapter Twenty-Two

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I was glad that Ben never left the ballroom. I managed to catch my breath as I held onto the bodice of the dress. The halls of the mansion were empty. Everyone was in the dining room. I wanted to run for the door, but I knew I had no way of getting off this island.

I jumped when the door of the ballroom door opened. Candace slipped past the door. I shook my head and held up my hand.

"Listen, I don't want to talk," I said.

"I'm not here to talk to you," she said. "I already tried that."

She walked past me and headed down the hall. I doubted she would be heading to the dining room, but I don't know where else she would be going.

I went back into the ballroom. All of the subjects were off of their platforms and mingling amongst each other. I squinted as I tried to find my way back to my platform. I spotted Ben only because he was the only one not wearing a shirt. He was sitting on the platform with his elbows on his knees. I sat next to him. He turned to look at me with a smirk. I raised an eyebrow at how out of place it looked.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked.

"Yes," I said.

He reached out and cupped my face running his thumb along my cheek. His smirk softened into a smile.

"I love you." He said it so quietly that only I heard. He cleared his throat before speaking louder. "It's all going to be okay."

The door to the ballroom opened, and I ripped Ben's hand off of my face. I stood and smoothed out my skirt. Leta entered, and the rest of the subjects continued to talk. She weaved her way through the crowd and over to us.

Leta always had a smile plastered on her face, but now it was replaced with a solemn expression.

"Benjamin and Diana, I need you to come with me," she said.

"Where are we going?" Ben asked.

"Dr. Alexander would like to talk to you," she said. "Dr. Sweeney and Dr. Phillips are already there."

The dress seemed to be crushing my ribs again and was stealing my breath.

This was it.

Oliver was going to sell me.

Ben put his hand on my shoulder and nodded. We followed behind Leta as she lead us through the house. We stayed silent, and only the sounds of Leta's sandals clicking on the floor filled the air. She stopped outside a large mahogany door. She knocked before peeking in. She opened the door wider.

Gregory was sitting behind a heavy wooden desk that was engraved with detail. Candace was sitting on the desk. Her legs were crossed and her body was angled toward Gregory. Oliver and Bethany were standing across from them.

"Thank you, Leta," Gregory said. "You may leave."

Leta bowed before exiting the office. I let out a shaky breath and glanced over to Ben.

"Now, Oliver," Gregory said. " I want to start by saying that I am absolutely amazed by Diana. You have achieved something that I did not think I would ever see."

"Thank you, sir," Oliver said.

"However, something has come to my attention," he said. "I need to trust my subjects, and I have a feeling that I cannot trust Diana."

Gregory turned his computer screen around to face us. Before I could see anything I heard the sound of moaning. His computer screen was large enough for me to see the video clearly. I was naked and on top of Ben as he held onto my hips.

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