45 | in the arms of a stranger

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"In the arms of a stranger, pretending it's love
Holding her closely, remember your touch
And I'm wrapped around your finger, even though I'm knocked up
In the arms of a stranger, pretending it's love."


45 | in the arms of a stranger


"What are we doing here, Kat?" I asked, annoyed as hell, as we stood on the threshold of pack's basement.

So basically, the pack house's basement is the common party area where all the high ranks can host a party.

"We're gonna enjoy!" Kat hooted as she raised her hands in happiness. "Come on, Oli! Turn the frown upside down!"

I groaned, not feeling amused at all. I had too much in mind right now to care about this stupid hormonal teenager party.

To begin with, I didn't see Chance for an entire day yesterday and now today was the full moon night- the night when he was supposed to mark me, and the last day I could shift.

It was already 8 at night and he was nowhere to be seen. The hopes of me getting mated today were slowly getting crushed and disappointment weighed me down as the negative part of me overpowered every emotion.

The dark, negative side of me which felt that nothing will be okay and I'll be left unmated today was growing slowly and it terrified me.

I tried to remind myself that we still had time and the night was still young. Chance may come anytime to surprise me and maybe he had dissappeared to control himself, but I don't know.

Somehow, everything felt like wishful thinking right now.

Sighing, I let Katherine pull me on to the dance floor where I saw sweaty bodies grinding into one another, people feeling each other up while dance and practically dry humping on the floor.

I cringed as I sniffed the air which smelled practically of sexual arousal and beer. Red cups littered everywhere and I pitied the people who'll have to clean the tomorrow.

From the corner of my eyes I saw a couple practically going at it on a couch in front of the entire pack and my eyes almost bulged out at the amount of indecency.


was surprised that the Alpha was letting this kind of a party be held in his house.

"What is this party even for?" I hissed at Katherine.

She looked at me. "Ah! This? These kind of parties are held every month in the pack house for the newly met werewolves to mate. This kind of an atmosphere is suitable for them."

"Every month?" I gasped in shock and she shrugged.

Holy smokes! How horny are werewolves exactly?

"Here, have this." Katherine offered me a red cup and I shook my head frantically.

"Nope! Nopity nope nope! I am not doing it again. You know how big of a light head I am and I am not going to let alcohol near my system."

"Aw, come on! You need to let loose. If you stay so stiff and tense you'll never have fun. And look around you, everyone is having so much fun! Come on...just one drink. After that we won't drink anymore. And I promise you, after a few dances, we'll return back to our rooms, no funny business."

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