Chapter 10

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It was an afternoon Wednesday, when you just came back from school.

Slowly, you entered the comfort of your house only to be surprise to have the Queen sitting in one of your livingroom couch.

Hesitantly, you went up to her and bowed "H-hello Ma'am."

Usually she'd tell you to adress her as 'aunt' but today she only hummed in response, her expression looking a bit serious.

"Y/n, I need to talk to you."

Knowing that this was the words from the Queen herself, who were you to disobey that?

"N-Ne." You sat down on the couch across her, head lowered as if you had done something so shameful. But then again, you don't remember doing anything that could get the Queen to personally speak to you.

"I heard what had happened inside the Prince's room." She paused, the seriousness in her tone bringing a shiver to run down your spine. "And I must say that I'm disappointed in you."

Confusion hit you like a truck. Last time you've been in the Prince's room, was just three days ago. It was also the day when Jungkook apologize to the Ahjjuma.

The Queen let out a deep sigh, now rubbing her forehead in a frustrated manner, from what you saw within your peripheral view.

"It's just that...I get that you wanted to help Kookie, but you must remember that he's still your future King." She sighed again. "The way you told Kookie to apologize, I feel like I've failed my responsibility as a mom to him."

"I-I'm sorry." You didn't know why you apologized. But what Jungkook did wasn't right at all. You didn't force him to apologize tho, he willingly did it and you were proud of it.

The Queen hummed in responds, now fixing her composure. Her eyes softening at your crouched figure. "I expect to not have such event like this happening in the near future okey y/n dear? I also think that its better to start respecting your future King in this early age."

You let out a loud sigh, before meeting the queens gaze. A fake smile on view you answered back "Ne~ you're Highness."

You walked the Queen out, instantly bowing as she left, before closing the door shut.

It won't happen, if I don't see him again.

Chuckling in disbelief to yourself, not really believing that the Queen herself had lectured you about her sons behavior,and that she felt like she 'failed' raising her kid to grow up with manners, made you clenched your jaw.

It was as if she was blaming you for her sons behavior.

You let the thought slide away, but then again, you do feel bad for interfering with the Royals.

You shook your head in attempt to remove the thought as you entered your room. "Never get yourself involved with the Royals again Y/n."

Time Skip

A few years past, since you had the conversation with the Queen.
You chose to keep quiet about it from your family.
Already telling yourself and the Queen that such thing won't ever occur again.

But that didn't stop you from correcting his wrongs whenever you spotted them.
I mean, just like what the Queen said. He's gonna grow up and eventually will take over the throne.

Now who'd want a Stubborn King ruling their precious country?
Then again, he could grow up to be the kind of Prince you'd see in Disneys, handsome, kind-hearted, wise.
however, why not teach him to be those things now, right?

Everything went back to normal, but instead of you visiting the palace, the Prince himself would come to your place, you still don't know the reason why tho.

Your relationship with the Queen never returned to how it was before the incident. she'd talk to you from time to time asking how you were, and you'd respectfully reply, since let's not forget that she's the Queen by the way.

Ever since you stopped visiting the Palace, you found the Prince visiting your place instead.
He'd come by every morning, before you left for school, and would stay the whole afternoon before his butler would pick him up late at night.

It went on like that, him staying only for a few hours, then would leave. Eventually that started to change.

One day, he told his mom that he didn't want to go back to the palace. The Queen tried coming up with excuses unto why he couldn't stay, but that didn't go to well. Eventually the Prince threw a big tantrum then and there. In the end. The Queen couldn't do anything about it but to obliged. And that was the start of everything else.

Your parents and brother enjoyed his company a lot.
They practically treated him as their second son, and not some delicate figure that needed  to be watched like a hawk 24/7, maybe it's because they were used to seeing him everyday, and when you say everyday you mean everyday, From Tuesday  to Saturday that is. The Queen somehow managed to convince him that he must return back to the palace in at least Sunday and Monday, or whenever an event that needed a presence of the Royals would happened.

He didn't like the idea tho. Surprisingly, when you explained the situation to him, he took it rather calmly, in the end, the Queen was happy that he agreed to it.

You enjoyed having The Prince around, glad to also know that Jihyun had someone to play with when you're busy at school.

You're currently 15 years old, school has been bombing you with endless homeworks and ect.

Yawning, you entered your house, tired from all the activities that had happened today.

You sometimes envy Jihyun.
Him and Jungkook were being homeschooled, in this house.
The Queen offered to have their own Royal Tutor, tutor Jihyun as a gratitude seeing her son getting along well with him.

Heavy footsteps made its way up to your ears, and before you knew it, small arms were now wrapped around your waist.

"Noona Kookie's taking time in the bathroom again!" Your brother whined, now pulling you upstairs to the said room.

Chuckling, you tossed your backpack aside and stood in front of the closed bathroom door, your brother standing beside you doing the potty dance.

You raised your brow at him "You do know we have more than 3 bathrooms here right?"

"Noona~!" He whined.

"Okey, okey." You knocked three times. "Kookie-ah, what's taking you so long?"

Shuffling in the inside could be heard, and before you knew it. The door swung opened revealing the ten year old soaking wet boy, with a towel wrapped around his waist, a smile plastered on his lips. "Noona!"

Jihyun dashed inside the bathroom not caring of closing the door since it looked like he couldn't hold it anymore.

You were to busy scrunching your nose in a slight discuss seeing your brother taking a piss infront of you, to even notice the kid who had just came out from a shower, hair still having foam in them, now hugging you.

"Noona what took you so long~?" Jungkook whined, jumping up and down, his towel falling off him, now showing his entire bare little body.

You snickered at it, already used to it.
I mean who wouldn't? You've already witnessed two, six naked year olds running around the house, refusing to wear their pajamas since, and I quote "Freedom!"

Yup, that was their excuse.

You crouched down snatching the towel off the ground, as Jungkook let's go of you.

You turned him by the shoulders straight to the shower, before hanging the towel in a hanger. "Finish up your shower first." You spoke, helping Jihyun with his fliers, since it got stuck somehow, before the two of you exited the bathroom.

Jungkook nodded before entering the shower to finish himself up.

Noona, I Hate You! •Jeon Jungkook Royal AU • ✅Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ