Chapter 20

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"Thanks." You muttered, wriggling away from his hold. You watch your brother toss his bag to the corner right after pulling out a few books from inside.


"I don't wanna do this."

Everyone jerks in surprise after hearing jungkooks sudden complain.

The Royal tutor had just arrived a few hours ago, and almost immediately, started with the lessons.

As the two were seated on a table resting just beside the silked covered window, you were sitted on the Princes' bed enjoying your time scrolling through your medias, and responding to a text once in a while.

Jungkook abruptly stands from his seat, earning a confused look not only from the teacher but from Jihyun as well.

You watched as Jungkook plops himself beside you, now cuddling you.

You flinched backwards against the headboard of the bed, when he lays his head on your lap, pulling you closer to him.

"Your highne-" he cuts him off.

"5 minutes." He mumbles, sounding as if it was forced.

Yeah, you're stuck there frozen in your spot, eyes locked with his bushy hair, that still seemingly looked good on him.

The teacher hums in responds before gesturing Jihyun to continue on with his work.

You snapped away from your thoughts, shrugging the situation off, seeing that no one was complaining. And he did say 5 minutes.

You return to your previous position, your phone in one hand, candy crush saga on full display, while the other one absentmindedly makes its way to the young boys hair, your fingertips playing with his strands.

A smile tugs up on jungkooks lips, remembering how you used to play with his hair before, let it be with your knowledge or unconsciously.

Your fingers still had their magic, relaxing his body in a way where he no longer can feel the pressure suffocating his being from everything around him.

5 minutes had passed, and you slightly shook his arm. "Kookie you better go back to studying."

The said kid groans and shifts in his spot, the back of his head turning to lay flat on your lap, so that his face was facing the well-detailed ceiling.

He opens his eyes and locks gazes with you, throwing you a quite intimidating glare, but at the same time it was displayed like a mocking kinda look.


You ruffled his hair, allowing a chuckle to escape your lips, despite the look he was sending you. "Five minutes is up buddy, you should resume your work, or else I might get in trouble." You baby talked him, a smile plastering your lips.

As much as Jungkook hated the way you were talking to him, as if he was still that 10 year old kid who's had a crush on you ever since he was five, and still does.

He's 17 for heavens sake!

He couldn't help himself but to just morph his cold look into a much rather softer one as he oblige with your words.

He gets up from bed and you do the same.

From where you stood you made your way to where you had left your own backpack, which was on the couch right at the corner, with Jungkook's gaze watching you like a hawk. Just when you were about to grab a hold of the door handle, it got blocked, your finger crashing into a fine flat stomach that's hidden behind that black shirt of his.

"Where are you going?"

You shivered slightly at that tone. You're still not used with their developed voice.

Heck! The height of Jihyun itself sometimes leaves you with sweaty palms, ever since you've arrived yesterday.

You admit that there's a mount full of things that you need to get used to and adjusted in your life. One of them concerned the two boys.

You're trying your best to get comfortable with them again, trying to bring back that bond you had with them in the past, but in all honesty, you're having a hard time doing that.

Don't get yourself wrong or anything.
You love them, but you just need time to get used to their changes, and it seems like they'll have to do the same with you too.

Your phone rings and you picked it up.

You already know who it was.

"Noo-" you cut Jungkook off, showing your palm and catching him off gaurd.

You've never cut his sentence like that before. Never. That making him feel like he was no longer that important to you.

"I'll be there." You smiled, answering Jin who was on the other line of the phone, before hanging up.

"I'll see you later okey?" You hurriedly ruffled jungkooks hair, as he just stares at you with glossering eyes.


You sprint off, closing the door behind you.


Patiently tapping the wheel of your car, you huffed a strand of hair out of your face. You glare at the heavy metals standing in front of you, blocking your path to the outside world.

Peaking your head out of your car window, you spotted a red uniformed guard approaching you.

"Um..I'm like, kinda in a hurry right now, so would you mi-" you're abruptly cut off by as shrilling sound coming from the inside of his fabrics pocket.

He turns away from you, answering before placing the device against his ear.

"Yes Your highness. We didn't let her leave, like what you've ordered."

You furrowed your brows, suspiciously eyeing the phone that was now being shoved back inside his pocket.

"Ma'am, the Prince would like you to return back to the palace." He finally speaks, features displaying nothing but a bored look you'd usually receive from a siblings who's already had enough of you.

"I can't do that." You spoke up. Biting your lower lip as you eyed the gate in front of you, a thought ringing in your mind. "He doesn't want me to leave? Is that why you're refusing to open the gate?" You're slightly annoyed by the fact that the kid had practically stolen your ticket to freedom. Freedom from this place.

You were never comfortable being inside the palace.
Not before, now or ever.

If anything, you'd avoid ever stepping foot in this place.


"No. I am not going back there." You hissed slightly, eyes norrowed at the innocent guard, considering he was just doing his job.

He sighs before opening your door. You jerk backward in pure surprise.

What's he doing?!

One Minute you're on your seat, the next, you're being tossed over a shoulder.

"Y-yah! Let me go!!"

"I'm sorry Ma'am, but Prince Jungkook clearly instructed me to get you back to his room wether you like it or not." He shrugs, your body lifting up by the movement. "I'm just following orders Ma'am."

Noona, I Hate You! •Jeon Jungkook Royal AU • ✅Where stories live. Discover now