Chapter 23

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"Speak up."

Its a Saturday afternoon, and here you were, inside a cafe shop with your bestfriend Jin sitting across you, face fuming red from leaving him hanging the last time.

You explained everything to the mad man, admitting to yourself that he looked more cuter when angry but you're not gonna tell him that of course.



He chuckles, leaning back comfortably before smugly smiling at you. "I thought he'd move on. Turns out he still has a 'thing' for you."

You rolled your eyes at his comment, cheeks tinting a faint red as you recalled how his appearance changed through the years. He turned out to be a good looking young man, that you admit. But what did you expect from the Prince himself?

Sipping from your bubble tea drink, you assume that he was just joking around about him having a 'crush' on you.....right?

"I'm just his Noona."

Now it was his turn to roll his eyes, huffing annoyingly, his bangs rising from the given air. "Yeah, just keep telling yourself that."

You chuckled.


Your arms extends themselves, stretching out the stiff parts as you entered the comforts of your abode. Kicking your converse to the side right after loosening the strings, your mind drifts off to this certain thought.

I need to find myself an apartment.

You don't expect yourself to live with your parents all the time, not when you've already gotten yourself a decent job just waiting for you in within a weeks time.

You jerk backwards, body flinching as you spot two teens sprawled inside the livingroom, both their eye glued to their devices.

Guess some things never change. Your memory takes you back to when Jungkook had first visited your place, a smile tugging up your lips.

But then it drops when the said boy finally notices your presence. He jumps over the couch and approaches you. You frown noticing how mad he looked but at the same time, you're left in a box filled with nothing but confusion.

He grips unto your wrist without a word, and starts dragging you. You hiss under your from the sudden action, but you don't even try to yank your hand back away from him.

He finally opens this certain door, tossing you inside the next second.

"Noona, where have you been?" Was the first coming out from his lips, right after he had closed the door of your bedroom.

"Nice to see you too." You mumbled slightly, rubbing your wrist that was sure to turn red any time soon. Scratch that. The kid had a good grip on your poor sensitive skin.

Jungkook notices what he's done. He does feel guilty for hurting you, but he decides to stand his ground. He crosses his arms in front of his chest, eyes narrowed towards your figure.

Him and Jihyun arrived at your place at exactly 1:30 in the afternoon, with plans to spend time with you. Mostly in his part, he's not sure what Jihyun wants.

But It's not as easy as it sounds.

The Royal tutor wouldn't allow them to leave that easily. Not until they've finished the works they were given. The questions were hard, that the boys did admit.
But since Jungkook found himself desperate to see you, he tried pushing his own brain over the limit, forcing himself to finish those hard equations just so he could finally see you.
For once, he was the first one to finish a given homework.
But guess what he's got in return?

It's currently 5:24 pm.

He sighs deeply, freeing his arms to the side as his attention drops to that oh so familiar lamp beside your bed.

When he looks up at you again, he can't help but to release a small smile at the sight of you.

Your appearance itself seemed enough to boost up his energy if ever he found himself tired. You had your hair tied up into a ponytail, your oversized white tee tucked loosely inside your black pants. His eyes travels around to those features you've been greatly blessed with. You've definitely changed throughout the years. Becoming more Beautiful, than you already were, in his eyes.

He's intrigued by the way way your eyes glowed, the way your hypnotizing dark orbs used to stare right back at him when he was still a kid, it always seemed to put him in a trance position, even until now. Not to mention your long delicate lashes that decorated them just perfectly.

Unconsciously, his feet starts moving on their own, his gaze not weavering away from you.

His eyes moves down to your moving lips that seem to mutter out a few words. He doesn't hear them, he's too lost in his own thoughts of admiring you to even notice his own actions.

Your eyes widens when he grips unto your chin, making you face him.

He was smiling so sweetly at you, that, making your heart soft and drop to the ground. You suddenly feel your stomach dancing before the fast beating of your heart starts hitting your chest.

What's going on?!

Jungkook leans in closer, eyes examining your every features before they land back with yours.

Your face flushes a slight red, as you try to get yourself out of his grasp but to no avail.

He snakes his left arm around your waist, pulling you closer before slowly intertwining your right fingers with his.

He smiles even more when seeing how your cute fingers fit perfectly in his own. Ever so gently, he rests his chin on your shoulder, before slowly swaying your two bodies side to side.

He's managed to soften your heart again. This simple yet sweet gesture made a smile tug up your lips as you now join him in dancing with the soundless music.

You're amused by how the situation changed. From him dragging you harshly to your room, to you having thoughts of killing him then and there for gripping your wrist tightly, but who would've imagined that in the end, you two would be slow dancing instead.

Jungkooks ears picks up the slight, yet angelic, chuckle you released. He doesn't question you, his heart telling him to enjoy this moment. And that's what he did.

Pulling you more closer to him, he breathes slightly into your ear before whispering out a faint raspy.

"Next time tell me where you're going or else I won't go soft on you Noona."

Noona, I Hate You! •Jeon Jungkook Royal AU • ✅Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt