Chapter 45

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"Yah, Yah. I got another one! What did the patient with the broken leg say to their doctor? " He trails off with a laugh, and all you could do was send him a worried look. Worried if his sanity was still intact with him. The man was literally laughing at his own jokes or whatever they were, that honestly made no sense for you.

Nevertheless, you find yourself sighing in defeat, the elevator door rumbling as it closes shut, behind you. You eye the man and replied a small "What?" As you lean yourself on the railing.

One may think he was having a hard time breathing when his laughter suddenly sounded more like a window getting wiped clean, but you knew that wasn't the case.

With heavy pants, he goes on with his pun. "Hey doc, I have a crutch on you." And the squeaky sound soon fills the room.

The vibration from your phone saves you from having to hear your bestfriend's ear piercing laughter, and you're internally thanking whoever it was that called you.

The number was unknown, and if this was just a normal hour for you. You wouldn't have answered a call from a stranger.

You accepted the call and you turned to signal Jin to lower his voice to which he had a hard time trying.

The elevator opens with a ding, And you step out first as you place the device against your ear. Jin whispers a farewell and you both part ways.


"Hi! Is this perhaps Jung Y/n?"

You're hesitant to reply back, suspicious unto how he knew you. Judging by his tone, it was definitely a guy.

"Um yeah. May I know who this is?"

The line stays quiet for a brief moment, before a chuckle tickles the senses of your ear. The tone of it didn't sound creepy at all. In fact. It sounded more like a childish giggle, and you won't deny that you felt your heart slowly warming up to him at the sound of that.

"Ah I see...Well then. Until we meet, I hope you have a good day Y/n~ah."

And the line gets cut off.

Was it weird that you wanted to hear his voice again, despite not knowing if it was someone dangerous or not? Jin would've called you crazy if you were to tell him about this.

And then you recalled his windshield laughter. Just the thought of it made you cringe as you shove your phone back into your pocket.

You've known Jin almost all your life, and one might think you'd get used to that side of his. But no. You never really gotten used to his silly dad jokes. They never really made sense to you, and you sometimes wonder if he was mentally okey or not.


You kick your shoes to the side as you enter the comforts of your abode, not caring if you were messing the whole place when just dropping your things here and there.

You're really tired and a cat nap didn't sound like a bad idea at all.

After changing out of your current clothes, you took a quick shower before putting on a more comfortable outfit.

With a grunt, you plop yourself in bed, ready to drift off to dreamland, but the universe wasn't at a good mood today.

Your doorbell continues to ring nonstop, and you literally had to pinch a portion of your skin, demanding yourself to get out of bed. Huffing your cheeks, you pushed yourself up before making your way towards the door.

Jungkook pulls out a smile as the door before him shoots open revealing his Noona. That smile of his falters the second he takes in your outfit.

The fact that you had those short shorts on, revealing too much skin wasn't helping his eighteen year old mind at all. His cheeks taints a crimson red as he averts his gaze away, his throat suddenly getting ticklish and he caughs.

A yawn escapes you and you turn your heel after gesturing him to get in. "There's some snacks in the kitchen if you're hungry. And" You trail off, yawning once again. "I'll be in my room if you need me."


You hum questionably as you turn to look at him, one eye shut. The latter tucks his bottom lip in between his pearly teeth as he debates wether to go on or not. You've probably forgotten about the whole date, and Jungkook didn't like the thought of his Noona not getting enough sleep.

"What Is it kook?"

The latter rubs the back of his nape as he shoot you a sheepish smile, eyes turning crescent and despite feeling sleepy, you couldn't help but smile back seeing that perfect curve of his lips. "Its nothing Noona. You should go rest, I'll just be here when you wake up."

You nod."Okey. Night kook."


It been a few hours since you've gone off to sleep, Jihyun arriving a few minutes after that.

The two boys were currently engrossed into a movie to even notice your sleepy figure stepping out of your room.

It's was already way past 9 in the evening and your cheer silently when knowing that you didn't have work tommorow.

"What are we watching?" You whisper as you take a seat beside Jungkook, your brother, who you now notice, was all fast asleep at the other couch.

Jungkook scoots an inch or two at the corner to give you space, and shooting a grin before returning his gaze back to the screen playing. "This Little Thing Called Love." He answers, referring to the movie. You hum groggily, taking in his reply as you slump yourself on the couch, the night fairy slowly sprinkling its sleepy dust on you once again.

"Did you guys eat already? How does pizza sound?" You're about to dial the said place, but Jungkook speaks up before you're able to press call.

"We already ordered some. Its in the kitchen." He suddenly tugs the duvet laying around him to the side before standing up. "I'll go get you some."

You're not really that hungry, but you didn't have the energy to tell him you were just fine.

Once that slice pizza was heated enough, he makes his way back to you, careful to not make any noise that would wake up his bestfriend.

"Noona he-" He trails off, a small smile curving the sides of his lips as he takes in the view before him.

You had your feet crossed over you, your head leaning to the side as your eyes were closed shut.

He slowly puts the plate on the coffee table and takes the seat beside you. The result of his action causes your head to drop on his shoulder and he tenses up.

Your soft snores were hitting his ears and he can't help but chuckle slightly at that,finding it rather cute as he covers both him and you underneath the duvet he was using a while ago, also careful to not wake you up.

To his luck, the remote of the Tv was just beside him and he lowers the volume of the movie. Still steady with his action.

When he puts it down, a sudden light lits up under the cover and with curious brows, he inspects the cause of it.

He's able to draw your phone away from your grasp, and now had it in front of him.

1 New Message From Unknown.

He doesn't think twice before sliding it open and tapping on the message.

He's left confused once reading the text, wondering if it was really who he thought it was.


Noona, I Hate You! •Jeon Jungkook Royal AU • ✅Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ