Chapter 27

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Sighing heavily, you kick your shoes off as you enter the comforts of your livingroom, right after locking the door behind you.

Tugging your hair in an aggressive manner, you pray the headache would ease as you did so. Ever since Jungkook stopped by your office this morning, you couldn't stop thinking about it.

Your eyes darts to the room. The lights were turned off, flashes illuminating from your tv being the only source of light around the room.

Poking the inside of your cheek, you untangle your fingers away from your brown hair, fishing your phone out from your pocket, checking the time.

11:30 PM

You lift your head up, wondering if your brother decided to stay and wait for you.

You shove your phone inside your pocket again, as you made your way to the front couch.

You try to ignore the empty bags of chips scattering your once clean floor.

Soft snores makes it way up to your ears as you turn off the tv with the remote. No matter how exhausted you were, a smile manages to tug up your lips from the sight infront of you.

Despite the darkness engulfing the room, you were able to see him. His hair was dishelved, hiding most of his closed eyes as his uneven pink lips were parted slightly, revealing a small portion of his pearly bunny teeth.

You chuckle slightly at the view, a few memories playing inside your head of how you used to watch him fall asleep before you'd kiss him good night and leave for your own room.

Gently, you caress his hair, swaying them to the side. He shifts in his place and you immediately retract your hand, a sigh of relief escaping your lips when he doesn't wake up.

Turning, your nose scrunches slightly, noticing the clutter of garbage decorating your carpet.


Huffing a strand of hair away from your face, you breath in as you try to focus your attention on the other couch.

You disapprovingly shook your head, your eyes staring at your brother's laying figure, up and down.

His position of sleeping never seemed to change. Still as messy as before.

You release a grunt as you lift his leg away from your coffee table, internally cursing under your breath about how the germs were now infesting the surface of it. You properly position his feet, not really an easy job for someone as small as you. Not that you were really small, your height was nothing but normal. Your brother just happened to grow more taller than you. Both him and Jungkook. Wiping some crumbs away from his pants, you then release a huff as you stretch your exhausted body.

You've been working your butt off at work since this morning, walking here and there, forcing yourself to smile when in reality you just want to punch that stubborn guy in the face, and when you do return home, you find it to be a birds nest.

It's not that you don't enjoy they're presence, but you're tired.

You make your way inside your room, pulling out some blankets, before making your way back to the livingroom.

Carefully unfolding the duvet, you then placed it over your brother, making sure he wasn't freezing anymore, before walking up to the other boy. You did the same for him, making sure to leave once you've properly covered him, and his body no longer shivering.

You leaned in, planting a kiss on his forehead before making your way to your room.

Stripping yourself off from your clothes, you entered your bathroom, planning to ease your still throbbing head with a shower.


You put on your oversized white shirt, accompanied with your short black short.

You huff as you plop yourself on your bed, groaning frustratedly when remembering your livingroom's situation.

I'm not cleaning that up for sure.

You grab your phone from the nightstand, setting your alarm for 5:30 am. You could've sworn your eyes were about to pop out of their sockets when seeing what time it was.

12:44 AM.

Sleep you idiot.

Honestly, you tried to sleep. But the moment you heard your door creak open, you knew you couldn't sleep anymore.


You reluctantly open your one eye, facing whoever had entered your room.

Even if you did have your lights turned off, the beam reflecting from your window being the only source of light inside your room, you're able to meet his sparkling orbs.

Slowly, he makes his way towards your bed, tucking himself under your duvet, in his grasp a pillow.

"C-can I sleep h-here Noona?"

You don't see any problem with that. Tiredly, you close your eyes, humming in responds.

Although you weren't looking at him, you knew he was smiling. He scoots closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist before pulling you closer.

As of this point you were fifty percent awake, and asleep.

He rests his head above your head, humming a melody you remember humming to him back when he was younger. When he couldn't go to sleep.


You exhaled, wrapping your own arms around him, making yourself comfortable.

"Hm?" It was hoarse, he could tell you were about to fall asleep any second now.

Gently, he plants a kiss on your forehead, before he steps back, a stern look plastering his features as he whispers out what's in his heart.

"I've lost you once Noona and I'm not willing to lose you again. Especially not to him."

Noona, I Hate You! •Jeon Jungkook Royal AU • ✅Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ