Chapter 6

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The Dwarves threw their weapons to the ground before throwing themselves to the ground. They started to apologize in their own tongue, causing me to look at the Prince in shock.

"What are they saying?" the Prince asked in a mock whisper. "Or, do you even know what they are saying?"

"I know what they are saying," I replied, coldly. I furrowed my brows in confusion because I couldn't understand why they were apologizing. "They are apologizing for threatening me, my tribe."


"The Hargen Tribe is, well was, a very strong tribe," the Elder said. He was the only one that wasn't bowing down nor apologizing. "Their members were respected by many people, many clans."

I loosened my bow and relaxed my stance. "Legend has it that they know all tongues without even trying. They are loyal to no one but the Great."

"The Great?" the Prince asked, causing me to nod my head. He furrowed his brows in confusion, the blood still rushing towards his brain. "Who is the Great?"

"No one knows, Human," the lead Dwarf said. He lifted his weapon and pointed it towards him, causing me to take aim at him. "Don't go snooping around either. You won't be able to find anything."

"And she can?" the Prince asked, trying to gesture towards me. "Why her?"

"Bloodline," I replied. I gestured for the Dwarf to cut him down. "Will you be so kind as to cut him down and give him back his stuff?"

"I will cut him down but not give him back his stuff. He has some pretty things."

"Then how about a bargain?" I asked. "You cut him down and give him back his stuff, and I will give you something."

The Dwarf raised an eyebrow. "Tempting... what do you have to offer?"

"I don't think that it is necessary for you to give them anything to trade for my stuff. I just would like to just get down."

"And, do pray tell. How will you tell your parents about your missing stuff?" I asked. "I am sure His Majesty would like to know how you got captured and then how you escaped."

"Well... I tell them the truth, of course," Prince Caspian said. He watched as I shook my head. "I... don't tell the truth?"

"I am not supposed to be out here, Your Highness," I said, feeling exasperated and angry. "However, this is the only way that most of us survive."

"What about the food pantry?"

"Little food, too many poor," I replied, coldly. "It doesn't cover everyone." I glanced at the Dwarf. "So is it a deal?"

"What do you have to offer?" he asked again. He looked rather conflicted. He seemed to understand that I didn't have much, but I was willing to give what I have for the Prince and his things.

I took a deep breath and placed the arrow back into the quiver. I leaned the bow against my leg and took the necklace off of my neck and held it out. "One protection necklace," I said, keeping my face blank. I didn't want them to see how much it pained me to give it away. "And the rest of these." I reached into my pocket and pulled out the remaining coins. "That is my offer."

The Dwarves looked at each other before the leader walked over to me. He held out his hand, causing me to drop what I have offered into then. He spat on the green pendant and rubbed his sleeve over it.

Shock and amazement filled his face as he looked at it, and I could tell that he knew what it was. "Shara," he said, causing the Elder to walk over to us.

The Elder took the pendant from the leader and moved his fingers across the picture of a dragon. "You do realize what this is. Right?" he asked, looking up at me. Respect filled his eyes, and I couldn't help but feel proud.

I nodded my head and cleared my throat. That piece had belonged to my father, and he had given it to me as a gift. "I do," I replied. "I know what I am g- offering."

"Cut him down," the leader said. "And, give him his stuff back." He stuffed the coins in his pocket, both he and the Elder still entranced by what I had given him.

One of the Dwarves cut him down and everyone gave him his things back. They didn't question their leader because they knew whatever I had given him satisfied both him and the Elder.

Prince Caspian walked over to me, the Dwarves cutting the ropes that had bound his hands and feet together. "I do want to..." He trailed off when I shook my head.

"Sarofa," I said, telling them goodbye, and thank you. "Mera fin." I bowed to them in a sign of good luck and wishing them to have a good fortune.

"Mera fin," they chorused, bowing. They crowded around the Elder and the leader and started to talk in their tongue. Excitement filled their voice as they stared at what I had given them because they have heard of it but had not seen it until now.

I looked at the Prince and picked up my bow. "Let's go," I said. And with that, I walked away, my heart aching to take back the pendant and never let it go.

However, a trade was a trade, and I had given it up. I would never be able to get it back unless they gifted it to me, but I was sure that they wouldn't do that.

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