Chapter 24

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"Well?" Shilan asked after I stared at the letter for what felt like a while. He was impatient, and I knew that he wanted me to read it. "Are you going to read the note?"

I puffed out my cheeks and dipped my head. "No..?" I asked, and I could feel Shilan's scowl from here. "I don't know. What if it is bad news?"

"What if it is good news?" Shilan asked. "What if he set you up to get a duck? Or a cow?"

I raised an eyebrow and stayed silent while I processed what he said. I had no idea why he said that my father would have given us either a duck or a cow, for even he knew that we wouldn't have the space to put it even if we did get one. "Are you hungry?" I asked, and he grumbled.

"Very." He sighed longingly, and I rolled my eyes. "I can't wait until I am big enough and will be able to hunt when I want to. I don't like those morsels of rabbit Jonah gives me. I want something bigger and fatter."

I chuckled but didn't respond. Hesitantly, I looked down at the papers in my hand. My heart ached when I saw my father's handwriting and traced the words "my little princess," which had been his nickname for me for as long as I could remember.

Shilan looked through my eyes and studied the first words. "Did he know that you were a princess?" he asked, and I mentally shrugged.

"It's his nickname for me," I replied. "I don't know why he called me that, but he did."

Shilan huffed, and it took all of my self-control not to roll my eyes at him. "Well?" he asked, and I had a feeling that if he had an eyebrow, then he would have raised it. "Are you going to read the letter, or are you just going to trace the name?"

I huffed but obliged and read the letter. I found out that he was proud of me no matter what I did and how I did it, and that stuck the most because I tried my hardest to make sure that he was proud of me, even if he wasn't there to tell me himself.

I also found out that if I ever found the passageway that I used when I was younger, I should use it again, even if Jonah didn't want me to.

He said that I needed to become acclimated with the forest and learn what it had to offer, stuff that even he couldn't teach me. He knew that the urge to be in the first was strong, especially during the Tribe Moon, but he begged me to fight off the urges at least until everyone was out of the house, and the whole kingdom was safe from a force that even he didn't know about.

He also told me to mind Jonah and not ask too many questions about his time as a Dragon Rider, the time being painful for him, especially the death of his dragon.

Of course, Shilan had to scoff and break me from reading further. "If you don't talk about me after my death, then I am going to come back and kill you," he said, and I rolled my eyes. "I want songs, stories, and to become a legend in my own right."

Again, I rolled my eyes at him. "You have an ego as big as the sky," I said, and he mentally grinned at me.

"Us dragons are known to be egotistical beings," he said, and I snorted. "Now, continue reading and see what else your father has to say."

I huffed but obliged and didn't find anything useful. In the letter, he told me that I could practice my powers here, for he had Ardën and Rosaline set up different spells that would make it so no one would know that I was the new Rider and hide the magic that I could use.

He also told me to mind my mother and make sure that I did what I was told to do, even if I didn't think I should do it. The only time that I didn't need to listen to her, according to him, was when I felt as if it was dangerous for me or someone else.

And the last two things that he had were some saddles designs for my dragon and telling my mother that if she found anyone, she could move on and fall in love with someone else.

However, both of us knew that wouldn't happen, for my mom had been just as much in love with him as he had been in love with her. But he wanted her happy, and if she found happiness with someone else, then she should take it and not look back.

And to be honest, I agreed with him. I agreed that she should find love with someone else, and I knew who would be the perfect person for her if she decided to stop being stubborn.

But, the question was when would she notice him in a way that he noticed her?


The next afternoon, I walked out of the house to see Sheamus standing there holding a bundle of... something. "Sheamus," I said, raising an eyebrow in question. "What is this for?" I gestured to the bundle. A small smirk appeared on my lips, and I wiggled my eyebrows at him. "Is it for her?" I teased.

Sheamus shook his head, his cheeks turning slightly red. His blue eyes became lighter and filled with happiness when I mentioned "her," knowing full well that he knew I was talking about my mother. "Not today," he said. He stood taller and grew serious. "It's actually for you," he added, clearing his throat.

I raised my eyebrow further and cocked my head because I was curious about why he was bringing something for me. "Why?" I asked, sensing Shilan move further to the front of my brain to see and hear this male's conversation.

He glanced around and cleared his throat before he focused his gaze on me. "I think it'd be best if we discussed this indoors, Marini," he said. Something in his voice put me on edge, and I became wary of not only him but of the people that walked past our house to get to the village.

"Ok..?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. I shifted my basket in my arms and slid my feet a little to make sure that I was ready if he did decide to be stupid and attack me.

Sheamus studied me and grinned, his whole persona changing while he became relaxed. "Come now, Marini," he teased, sending me a wink. "Don't tell me that you are becoming suspicious of me." He placed his hand over his heart, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at this male. "I thought you liked me."

I relaxed slightly, but I was still tense. "I do like you," I replied coldly. "However, my life had changed drastically in the past couple of days, so please forgive me for being suspicious of you."

Sheamus chuckled and nodded his head, brushing off my apology. "It's understandable," he said. "However, I do think that you might want this to be kept only between us for now." He tapped his head, and I had a feeling that he was talking about my direction. "And... a friend as well."

I narrowed my eyes again. "How do you know?" I asked, my voice sharp and quiet. I could feel Shilan moving closer in my mind while he studied the male before me. I could tell that he was curious about him, but he wasn't suspicious or scared.

"I would like to tell you indoors," he replied, his voice soft as well. "I was sent here by a certain friend that we both have." He dipped his head, almost bowing. "I won't hurt you," he promised. "Or your friend."

"Let him in," Shilan said. "I mean, the worst thing that can happen is you having to get into a fight. I am sure that you can take him unless you are a chicken."

I held back an eye roll and scowled. "Haha, very funny," I scolded. I cleared my throat and licked my lips. "Ok," I said, nodding my head. I opened the door to my house and gestured for him to walk through. "You can go in."

Sheamus nodded his head and walked in. "Thank you, Princess," he muttered under his breath while he passed me.

How did he know?

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