KTH {tram ride} KTH

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You and Tae were on a packed tram that was taking you to the city center, as you were going on a shopping trip. A new shopping centre had opened, and there were many stores that you liked in it, so the two of you decided to have a shopping spree. The tram was so full that you could not sit down, and you were on opposite sides of the carriage, facing each other, pulling funny faces at each other occasionally to make each other laugh.

The tram came to a station, and more people got on. There wasn't really room for them, but they all piled on anyway. You tried to shuffle nearer to Tae, but a middle aged man stood right in right of you, his hand on the pole that you were using to steady yourself as the tram moved, his beady eyes looking at you hungrily. The man stank of cigar smoke and coffee, and an evil smile played on his thin lips.

You glanced over at Tae, and his brow furrowed immediately. Just as you expected, the man started to talk to you in a disrespectful manner. "A person like you looks like they wouldn't mind having some money to spend. Get off the next stop with me and you can earn yourself some tonight". You rolled your eyes in disgust. Tae knew you liked to hold your own so he let you handle the man by yourself, but if things went to far, you knew he would step right in. "Pardon me sir, but I have a boyfriend and a wallet full of hard earned money, so if you could please back off and stop insinuating that I would sell my body to desperate old men, that would be great". You left out the honorifics, this sleaze ball wasn't getting any respect from you.

"Do you really think that is how you should be talking to your elders, in that way?", the man replied, anger flashing in his eyes. He rose his hand and began to bring in down to strike you on the cheek, but that was when Tae had had enough. He somehow had managed to work his way through the hordes of people, and was now gripping the mans wrist with such tightness it was turning from red to blue. "My girlfriend respects people who respects her. And you sir, have not respected her, now fuck off and leave her alone", Tae growled in his ear. He was mad,  angrier than you had ever seen him before. He shoved the man away from you, then turned to see if you were okay.

People were staring, but you didn't care. "Are you ok, baby girl?", the anger had not fully subsided from his voice yet, and he sounded so damn hot. The tram had stopped and people were getting off. A seat became free and you pushed Tae onto it, sitting on his lap, wrapping your legs around his waist. You rested your head on his shoulder so your lips were near his ear, and whispered, "I guess I am now" seductively, giving his ear a quick nip. The older people on the tram were frowning and grumbling about you, but once again you didn't care.

"Really baby? Here? Because I don't have a problem with a tram, you know", he whispered back. You kissed him in response, biting his lip and letting his tongue slip into your mouth. "I guess it's a good job we've still got another thirty minutes until we reach the city", he said breathlessly as you pulled away. He began to subtly grind his hips, so you could feel it, but no one could see it. Tae started to leave hickeys along your collar bone and up your neck, than began to suck on your sweet spot.

A small "Kim Taehyung" escaped your mouth, and he growled, "That's what I like to hear, but say it louder for the people at the back". His eyes were dark, and a smirk was plastered on his gucci model ass face. He didn't think for one minute you would say it louder, but you liked to prove people wrong, even your boyfriend.

"Kim Taehyung", you said loudly in a breathy, needy voice, as a smile creeped across your face. Heads snapped round to look at you in disapproval, but that just added to the thrill of everything. "What do you say to prolonging the shopping trip and just taking the tram home again. I mean, this is way better than shopping", Taehyung suggested, and of course you agreed. After all, it was better than shopping.

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