JJK {tattoo, part 4} JJK

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After spending half the day watching classic rom-coms and horror movies, as well as binge eating very unhealthy food, Jungkook stood up and stated: "I want to show you something,     Y/N". Shaking yourself out of your sleepy state, you nodded and took his hand as he pulled you off his bed. He led gently by your hand down the corridor, and reached a door on the left hand side just a few meters from his room. He pushed the door opened and stepped inside, you in tow.

The room was a crisp white colour, with a strip of pristine tiles running around the walls. On the ceiling hung harsh strip lighting, but it added to the clean, fresh aura of the room. A black leather chair was in the middle of the room, a mathching foot rest underneath in front of it. On either of the chair were metal trollers with various tubes of inks and fresh needles. A tattoo machine was laying on the top shelf of the right hand trolly.

"It's my dads studio, but I'm sure you've gathered that this is where I do my art", Jungkook said, and you could hear the smile in his voice. "This is you're happy place", you whispered, barely audible, and he nodded, saying, "I wanted to share it with you". You sat down on the chair, and knew that you wanted him to tattoo you. "Jungkook....", you began, a little shyly, and he looked you straight in the eye. "You want a tattoo?", he asked, smiling from ear to ear, and he clapped his hands happily.

"Can we...Can we getting matching ones?", you asked timidly, looking at your hands that were clasped in your lap. "I'd love to", he answered, bending down and placing his hands on your knees and kissing the tip of your nose. In one swift movement, he lifted you up out of the chair, plonked himself down into it and sat you down on his knee. He pulled his sketchbook and pencil off one of the shelves of the metal trolly, and dipped through his book and drew some more designs until you found a pair that you loved.

When you saw it, you gasped and began to nod vigorously. "This one!", you exclaimed, and Jungkook chuckled at how cute you were being. "I'm glad you went for a small one, it's your first time", he said, standing you up and then sitting you back down. He pulled in some leather gloves and a mouth mask, and began to set up the pen. After that, he sterilised the area and grabbed your hand in his free one. "Squeeze when it hurts", he said, looking dead into your eyes, his voice muffled by the mask. Before he had said this, you had been very nervous, but knowing that he was going to support you made you feel a tad better.

Jungkook turned the pen on, and as soon as the whirring sound began, you clenched your eyes shut. He leaned his head over you so he could see what his was doing, and you could feel his faint puffs of breath on your skin.
Although it didn't hurt as much as you thought it would, it still hurt a little bit, but you soaked it up, basking in the glee of getting a matching tattoo with Jungkook. Once he was done, he wiped the fresh ink, sterilised the area again and wrapped it in clingfilm.

Next it was Jungkook's turn, so he sorted out all his gear, and proceeded to repeat the whole process on himself. Once he was done he was absolutely ecstatic, you could feel the happiness and excitement radiating off him. You giggled, and he responded to your cute action quite simply. "You may giggle at me now Y/N, but you will be laughing even harder when you see the reactions of the people at school", he said, laughing a little himself.
You started to frown a little, and said something that had been troubling you all the time after you had realised that you and Jungkook where actually dating now: "What if they hate me Jungkook?".

"They won't and if they do, I will fight them, and I'm quite sure you'll say something too. Because you are mine Y/N and even though you may get scared sometimes, you're feisty and stick up for yourself when you can. That why I love you. I don't want a stupid, highpitched, weak girl holding me back. Sure, I want to love, cherish and care for you, but I don't want you to act like you need my 24/7, when you don't. So don't worry about anyone who has a negative opinion on you, because they are not worth mine or yours time".

And with that, he gave you tips on the after care of your tattoo, and carried you back off to bed to complete the rest of your movie marathon, and give you many more sweet kisses and reasons why he loves through out the day.
i wish i could end my twelve day hiatus with a good story but i can't, and i'm so so sorry. i am honestly so sorry i cannot express how much i've missed writing, please accept my apology, i never dreamt i'd take this long updating. please please please forgive me. it's been really tough for me these last few weeks and it's affecting my work rate and i know it shouldn't because this is separate to my life outside of this community, but i haven't felt motivated recently. BUT I AM BACK SO PLEASE PLEASE REMEBER THAT I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY READERS. MWAH 💞💞💞 lmao that reminded my of: REMY MUAH 💋
ps: ❗️who else thought that peaches and cora were dead???? i don't think that they are, apparently peaches broke her phone and then shit got spread that she was dead and so was cora ❗️

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