MYG {everything, part 2} MYG

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You were now sat on Yoongi's sofa, a hot chocolate in your hands, and the two of you sat down with a blanket draped over your legs. You were sat at opposite ends of the sofa, but you both had your legs up on the middle cushion. Once you had entered the house, Yoongi had gently bathed your face and wiped it with antiseptic spray, then placed plasters over the deepest cuts.

He had then taken you upstairs and given you one of his many luxury onesies to get changed into, and had met you downstairs to talk. He himself was in a onesie, and he had made the sweet hot beverages for the both of you, mainly to relax you and calm you down.

"So...", Yoongi began softly, turning his head to look at you, "Please will you tell me what happened tonight, Y/N?". You nodded slightly and swallowed (ʸᵒᵒⁿᵍᶦ'ˢ ᶜᵘᵐ ʰᵉʰᵉ) the hot chocolate that was in your mouth. You opened you mouth to speak, but no words came out. "Take your time", Yoongi whispered, and placed a reassuring hand on your leg.

"I should have told you before. I know I should have, and I know it's my fault. He's being... No. He has been very possessive of me. He would scream at me if I wore something he didn't deem appropriate, he would get so angry if I talked to anyone other than him, and he would look through my phone to check that I was behaving as 'I should' ", you stated slowly, carefully choosing your words.

"But I already know this Y/N", Yoongi said, puzzled. "I know you do Yoongs. But I've been hiding stuff and I think you know what", you said, not daring to meet his eyes. "Oh, Y/N", he whined, not out of annoyance, out of pure and simple pain for you. He began to cry, you could hear him, and that when your tear ducts released the Atlantic Ocean.

"Ah, Yoongi, don't cry for me. He's gone now, I'm safe. It's okay", you whispered to him, wiping away his tears. "No, Y/N it's not ok, I should have noticed. In hindsight, I can see the way you've been holding yourself funny, the slight limp when you walk. Why didn't I notice, Y/N? I should have fucking noticed", Yoongi was crying hard now, choking on his tears, and the cuss was said not out of anger, but out of undiluted broken-heartedness.

"I know you want to protect me from everything. I know you think that it's your job to, but Yoongi, I know that it pains you to think this, but you can't always do that", you said in a shaky voice, you too in floods of tears. "Come here Yoongs", you instructed gently, wanting to console him.

"No Y/N", he said shaking his head, "Let me be the one to hold you, let me be the one to comfort you, let me be the one to kiss away your pain. You're the one that's been hurt, and I'm the one who didn't notice, and now you're broken, so let me fix you", he sobbed and pulled your bruised frame into his lap.
The two of you wrapped your arms tightly around each other, never wanting to let go. You cried together, your tears mingling and becoming one. Your bodies shook together, your foreheads rested on one another, and you just felt like you were speaking a thousand words silently.

And then it came. You lifted your head and looked straight into his eyes, seeing all the pain and sorrow in them. And you wanted the suffering he was feeling to go away, so you raised your lips to his and pressed. And oh how he pressed back.

All the passion, electricity and desire for each other the two of you had bottled up since childhood was unleashed, and the kiss was like fire. It warmed you up from the tips of your toes to your head, and made your scalp tingle.
It was raw, and emotional, a turning point in your lives. All the pain you had felt had only made this more important to you, bringing you closer to the one you loved.

You pulled away form the kiss, and gulped down the cold air. No words were needed. You both knew what had been spoken through the kiss. He slid his hands up and down your back, and you rested your head on his chest.

Wordlessly, he picked you up, and carried you to his room. He tucked you into bed, and clambered in from the other side. You turned to face him, and pressed your lips against his softly. His hands were draped loosely over and your shoulders, fiddling with the tips of your hair, and yours were resting on his chest.

"Goodnight, yeobo", Yoongi said quietly, "Goodnight", you replied softly, and with that you fell asleep, finally sure that you were safe and loved by the only one that truly mattered to you.
hi, here you go. were you expecting yoongleton to act like that? hehe spot the small text that i neatly inserted to lead you on haha. hope you enjoyed my fellow binches. i was going to say something else but now i can't remember what it was
they added Hwarang to netflix
ps: today my dad caught me listening to Eureka by Zico and Zion T (10/10 would smash the both of them, and i love their music) and he just looked at me, and walked out the room. look up the lyrics lmao.
pps: i found it interesting to look through my authors notes and see how my personality has come through 💀 i was all like "my lovelies" and i barely swore but I CAME THROUGH haha so now you have to put up with the real me poor you hahahahaha

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