MYG {everthing, part 1} MYG

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"Can't you see I'm doing this for you, Y/N? If I allow you to wear clothes like that, other people are going to be attracted to you. And they're going to start talking to you, and looking at you. Only things that I should be able to do. And if they do that, and you participate in conversation with them, I'm going to get angry. And I'm going to hurt you, because you belong to me and no one else. So for your own safety, do as I fucking say the next time, and don't wear clothes like that again", your boyfriend said quietly, but his voice was shaking due to anger.

"Why can't you do as I say the first time. Is it that fucking hard? Did you think I was going to let you get away with it, huh? Well, baby, I've got news for you", he said, stumbling towards you, a bottle of Soju held loosely in his grip.

He came right into your face, and you could smell the alcohol tainting his breath. His fist slammed into your stomach, leaving you winded and doubled over. Another blow to the head and you were on the floor. "Get our of my fucking sight Y/N. Forget what I said earlier, you're not mine any more. I don't want a slag, leave immediately", your (now ex) boyfriend said to you.
*end of flashback*

"Yoongi oppa/hyung? I'm sorry, I know it's late, but I need somewhere to crash.... I'm not sure for how long, he didn't say, it might be, uh, you know, a while.... What happened? It's a long story, I'll tell you when I get to yours.... No it's ok, I don't need a lift, I'm at the train station... Thank you, Yoongi, thank you so much", you breathed a sigh of relief as you hung up.

Seeing as your "boyfriend" had thrown you out of the house, you had nowhere to stay, but your long time friend had let you stay at his house, which you were currently on your way to. You were so grateful for Yoongi, he was always the first person you went to whenever you had troubles. Even his fame and your slowly deteriorating happiness hadn't kept the two of you apart. Whenever you needed to rant or a shoulder to cry on, he was always there for you.
He would listen to all your problems, and give you advice, and vice versa. He had told you that your boyfriend was no good for you, he would make you unhappy. He was correct, but you were too scared to leave him.

Although you would tell Yoongi about the drunken screaming, controlling behaviour and possessive actions, you hadn't told him about how your ex-boyfriend would be violent towards you. You knew that Yoongi would probably fly into a rage, not at you of course, at your ex and himself for not spotting the signs. He would probably drive to your ex's house and give him what he deserved. You knew you would have to come clean tonight, though. The bruises on your face caused from the blows earlier were too noticeable, and too coincidental to be an accident.

You had caught glimpses of yourself in car windows on the way to the train station, and you had seen that you had several bruises littering your face. There was one on your cheekbone, on your left eye, and you had a split lip. To be honest to yourself, you looked awful.
Your train had pulled into the station, and you were just about to board when you heard someone call your name.

It was him.

"Y/N I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Please come back", he said, running towards the train that was slowly pulling away. 'Round and around in circles we go', you thought to yourself. Then you thought: 'No. Not this time'. Every time something like this had occurred, he would apologise to you, get on his hands and knees and beg you to come back. But not this time.
The doors of train closed just as he reached them, and you felt a glimmer of hope inside of you.

You hadn't looked back, you hadn't given in. You were moving on. Deep down you knew that it wasn't love that had made you stay with him, it was fear. And deep down you knew who you truly loved, but you weren't admitting it to yourself. As you rested your head on the cold glass of the window, you plugged in your headphones and let Yoongi's music fill your mind.

After half an hour, the train pulled up at your stop. You went to grab your bag, but realise that you had left it at your old house. 'Shit', you thought, 'I don't have any clothes or any bathroom products'. Pushing that thought to the back of your mind for the moment, you stepped off the train. The night was cold and you didn't have a jacket with you. You began to shiver, and huffed when you remembered it was a twenty minute walk from the train station to Yoongi's house. You began to set off when you felt a pair of familiar arms swivel you around, and pull you into a tight hug.

You hugged Yoongi back tightly, and felt hollow when he let go. He held you at arms length, studying your face. "You've got a lot to tell me when we got home", he said gently, rubbing his thumb across your bruises cheekbone. "I know", you whispered, your voice cracking as tears threatened to spill. You had been strong up until now, but now that you were with someone who actually cared, you were finding it hard to choke down your emotions.

Yoongi took your hand as you walked to the car. You guys often held hands, it was just something you did, a habit you had grown up with since childhood, and didn't really think anything of. But right now, you were hyperaware of Yoongi's long, soft fingers interlocked with yours. He was running circles onto the back of your hand with his thumb, causing goosebumps to erupt all up your arms, and making you blush slightly.

He noticed your shivers, and wordlessly draped his jacket over your shoulders. You looked up at him (YES UP AT HIM PEOPLE I KNOW HE'S SMALL BUT I'M SMALLER lol), and thanked him silently with your eyes. When you reached his car, he opened the door for you, and you got in. Yoongi began to drive; the two of you in comfortable silence.

Remembering that you had no clothes, you decided to speak: "Yoongi...", "Yes, Y/N", "...I don't have any clothes or anything like that".
"It's ok, you can borrow some of my clothes for this evening, and tomorrow we can go shopping together, hmmm? Does that sound ok?", he said, his eyes on the road. "Yes, thank you so much for... everything", you said quietly, looking at your hands in your lap.

"Anything for you, Y/N", Yoongi said slowly, placing his on your leg. You had arrived at his house. "Let's get you in, Y/N, then promise you'll tell me everything".

"Everything", you whispered back.

hiiiiii, i know i said that i would post it yesterday but here we are 🤷‍♀️ so this is part one, because i decided that it was too long to be one chapter. so. there hasn't really been any fluff in this chapter BUT JUST YOU BINCHES WAIT hehe. also, if you didn't know Papa Yoongles is my ult bias 💕💕💕 but i get biased wrecked like everyday so *hair flip*
ps: would you guys follow me on instagram if i made a fan account??? i've been contemplating creating one, but i don't know if i should actually go ahead lolol
pps: my name is Sophie Park, so hi it's not very korean, because my mother didn't want them to be:))) also, i have a twin brother named Stan. not very korean either lmao
ppps: i just realised how fucking cringey our names our when i was reading this over oh lord what were our parents thinking

 not very korean either lmao ppps: i just realised how fucking cringey our names our when i was reading this over oh lord what were our parents thinking

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