BTS {finding put you're pregnant} BTS

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- You come downstairs after taking a pregnancy test and finding out that you're pregnant. You weren't really worried about telling Jin, but there was that underlying fear that he would leave you. He was sat on the sofa, and you approached him, with your heart racing a little.
"Jin, I'm pregnant", you said looking down at the floor. He shot up straight away, holding your face, and looking straight into your eyes. "Are you sure?", he asked. "Yes", was your reply.
Upon hearing this, he kissed you deeply and gave you a massive hug. "This is the best news I have heard, ever. I love you so much", he said excitedly, and he places another kiss on your lips.  Tears began to fall from his eyes, and his laughter filled the room. "Oh princess, I love the child with my whole heart already. I know it's going to be beautiful".

- You had been being sick in the morning for the last couple of weeks, and Namjoon was becoming really worried about you. "Sweetie, don't you think it's time for you to go to the doctors now? I'll come with you, it'll all be ok", he said whilst you were hunched over the toilet.
You didn't really want to go, because you suspected you were pregnant, and you didn't know how Joon would react. But you knew you couldn't keep avoiding the situation, so you agreed.
When you got to the doctors, they started doing all sorts of tests on you. Finally, the doctor entered the room. You felt tears brimming up, and you looked at the floor, trying to stop them from spilling down your cheeks. "Congratulations, Y/N, you're pregnant", the doctor said and left the room.
You felt Joon's gaze on you, and you couldn't hold it in anymore. The tears started to spill. "Y/N-ah, please tell me they are happy tears. Why are you crying, this is amazing! I get to have a little me, with you!", he exclaimed, pulling you onto his lap. "This is going to be great, I can't wait", he whispered into your ear.

- You were sat on your bed upstairs holding the positive pregnancy test in your hand when you heard the front door open. You knew it was Yoongi when he called out: "Baby girl, where are you?". You shouted back down that you were in your room, your voice quavering a little, and soon you heard footsteps approaching.
To tell the truth, you were nervous about telling Yoongi, but you knew he would never do anything like leaving you, right? You began to panic, and stuffed the test under your pillow.
Yoongi noticed you perched on the edge of the bed, frowning, and instantly knew something was up. He crouched down with his hands on your knees, looked you in the eyes and said, "What's up?". You couldn't keep anything from him, so you decided to just tell him. "I-I'm pregnant", you forced out, grabbing the test from under the pillow and handing it to him.
He looked at you with disbelief, and then his gummy smile spread over his face. He rolled onto the bed, and pulled you into a tight hug. "I'm so happy, you have no idea", he breathed, and kissed your stomach.

- You were so excited to tell Taehyung about the baby. You just knew he was going to be just as excited as you were that you were going to have a proper family together. You decided to surprise him, rather then just tell him straight up. Suddenly it hit you what you wanted to do.
After a long shopping trip in the nearest town, you returned home, and to your surprise, Tae was already home.
You were carrying many bags, and he asked you excitedly what they were. "Not now Tae, you'll find out later", you said, grinning. A few weeks later, your surprise was ready. Once Tae had returned from his dance practice, you called him upstairs. "Close your eyes", you said, and pushed him into a room. "Now open them!", you squealed.
The spare room had been redecorated, and it was now a nursery. "Really jagi? Oh, this is perfect. I'M A DAD!", he screeched.  He picked you up and spun you around. "Well, as we're having a baby we may as well get married", he said loftily as he walked out of the room.

- You were laying in the couch, eating monster-munch with milk poured all over them, and a chocolate and mango smoothie. Hobi was sitting across from you, staring at you intently. "What?", you asked him, with your mouth full of these terrible food combinations.
"Well, flower, it's just that you seem to be eating really weird foods, and you're getting exhausted easily and your ankles are all swollen, and I googled it and it said you might be pregnant.....", he trailed off, trying to not let how ecstatic he was show, just in case you weren't carrying his child.  "Really?!", you asked. He nodded, adding, "Let's go to a pharmacy and get a test now. I really hope your pregnant by the way".
You had gone and come back, and you had peed on the stick. Now the two of you were in the kitchen, staring at it. Finally, the time was up and you could check it. You tentatively picked it up, screamed with happiness when you saw it was positive and started dancing round the kitchen with the screeching father of your child.

- You were on the phone to Jin, crying hysterically. You had just found it you were pregnant,  you were only nineteen and Jungkook was only twenty. What's more, he was an idol with a huge career, and you didn't want to ruin it for him.
Down the other end of the phone, Jin was reassuring you, telling you that Jungkook would love you and the baby no matter what. "But Jin, don't you think I should get rid of the baby? Jungkook's whole future is at risk, I don't want to ruin his career", you said, crying even harder at the thought of terminating your baby.
Little did you know, Jungkook had come upstairs when he heard you crying, and had snuck into the room and sat on a chair. He had been listening to the conversation in shock, but now he had to intervene. He went up behind you, took the phone out of your hands, said thank you to Jin for his help and hung up.
Then he turned to face you. "Now jagi, if there is one thing I want you to know is that I love you and I love this child. You will do no such thing of getting rid of him or her, and my career is not at stake, but a whole new careeer as a dad had only just begun. I know we're young, but we'll make it work. Now let's dry those tears, because I love my child, and I love you", he said, tears of joy brimming in his own eyes.

- The two of you were laying in bed one night, watching pointless television shows and just taking about whatever came into your mind. Jimin was snuggled up really close to you, and you were fiddling with his hair.
You were thinking about telling him about the baby that was inside of you, and without planning what you were going to say, you just kind of blurted it out. "Jimin, I'm pregnant", you said simply.
He sat by right up, and huge smile spreading from ear to ear. "Are you serious! This is the best new ever!", he said, jumping up and down a little, kissing all over your face. "I guess now you won't be the only one to call me daddy", he said, earning a tap on the arm from you.
Every night form then he would rub your belly and sing to it, and he would tell your baby all about his day and how beautiful his mother was.

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