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Hi, my names Anna. I'm just like any other 17 year old. I guess you could say I'm what you guys call a 'Freak'. Of all my seventeen years living, I've always felt like the outsider or in simpler words, the odd one out. As much as I've tried to fit in, I never could. I've been told countless times that I'm too wise for my age, that I know more than I should. I've seen more than what meets the eye, understood more than what's presented by the front page and learned more than the average mind should. We never get what we actually wish for, but that's all part of life. Maybe just maybe fate will be in my favour.

This is really exciting. I'm only 14 going to 15. I've read more books than a kid my age should but I guess it's part of who you are. I just hope I make it far. Fingers crossed.

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