Chapter 3

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Anna's POV

The day went on normally. Teachers asking about the break and some looked like they'd wished to be somewhere else. I don't blame them, I also wished I was somewhere else. I still kept on thinking about my encounter with Noah this morning. It was really strange of him to just come up to someone like me and try to converse.

I kept on thinking about what he wanted to say before he was interrupted by the bell. I didn't dwell on it to much as I made my way to lunch. I only had 2 friends at school and they weren't that different from me.

On my way to sit at our usual table which was at the far end of the cafeteria, I grabbed a bottle of water and a Chicken Mayo sandwitch. As I arrived my friends May and Natalie were already seated and chatting probably about books. I took a seat and said hi to the both of them.

As I was eating I felt my friends intense gazes on me as if expecting me to say something interesting."What?" I asked feeling a bit wierded out.

"Well I find it strange how you haven't said anything about the glorious encounter you had this morning." Natalie said with a sly grin on her face.

"Nothing interesting happened, Noah just came up to me and asked me how I was doing and how my break was." I said then rememberd." He also wanted to ask me something but got interrupted by the bell." I finished and went back to eating my food.

May and Nat exchanged knowing glances and had smirks plastered on thier faces."No no do not even say anything more." I said already knowing what they're going to say.

They both started giggling like I said something funny. After chatting a bit and having a few jokes I excused myself and left to go to my locker. As I left, I felt as if all eyes were on me but I just shook the feeling off and continued walking.

After taking out a few books, I made my way to my Maths AP class. As I arrived it was empty as usual so I took my normal seat in the middle row by the window. I plugged in my earphones and played The Weeknd's album.

More and more people filled in the room and soon enough the teacher entered and started teaching. Throughout the whole leason I felt as if someone was looking at me but ignored it.

Finally giving in to the fact that someone was watching me, I looked back and locked eyes with Noah. He looked at me like he did this morning, like he was trying to figure something out. It's as if he knew what was happening inside me like he....understood.

After what felt like forever I turned away. He couldn't know, he can't know. It's as if he can see through me. See through the front I put. No one can know who I really am.

Class ended and I rushed out of the class not wanting to be stopped. I could hear the faint sound of someone calling my name but I continued walking to my last class of the day.

School ended quicker than expected and I was now walking home. My mind was on drive, thinking without stopping. I was too occupied with my thoughts that I didn't hear the car horn beeping behind me.

I was suprised to see Noah in the drivers seat of a black Mercedes with the window rolled down. Sure he was wealthy and people took advantage of this by wanting to he his friend. He was popular too but sometimes it seemed as if he didn't appear to like the fact that he was.

"Hey Anna would you like a ride home?" He asked with hopeful eyes. But neither did he know that his eyes reminded me of loss. If he only knew what was going through my mind right now.

"U-uh I don't mind walking, I-It's okay thank you." I said stuttering and hoping he doesn't see how nervous I am. I fiddled with my fingers nervously and bitting my lower lip.

"I insist, it's the least I can do." He said calmly like it was the most normal thing to do. Not wanting to seem rude by rejecting his offer I decided on it.

"Okay" With that I went around and got into the passanger seat.

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