Chapter 2

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Noah's POV

Waking up was the hardest considering last night's events. Deciding that it was now or never, I went and took a quick shower. After drying myself and getting into dark washed jeans and a white shirt I made my way downstairs.

As usual my whole family was sitting down and having breakfast while chattering about God knows what. It's times like these were I'm most grateful to have them in my life. Taking a seat besides my dad I said morning to everyone and began devouring my food.

"Hey Noah did you know today's me and Kylie's first day in first grade!" Kyle my little brother all but shouted in my ear. Sometimes I question myself if he knows how to actually talk.

"Well yes I did little man, you've been talking about it since." I said to which he chuckled and smiled brightly while finishing his breakfast.

"Oooh Mommy said we can have ice cream if we're good today." Kylie said excitedly. "Chocolate ice cream!" Kyle and Kylie yelled in unison.

Sometimes it creeped me out when they spoke at the same time or how they always liked the same stuff as each other.

"Well then enjoy school, I'll see you guys later. Bye!" I said while getting my keys and getting into my black Mercedes G-class. Backing out of the huge driveway I sped to school.


Upon arriving to school everything looked normal. I parked besides my best friend Jakes car. As soon as I got out of the car I was engulfed in a bone crashing hug by my two best friend's Jake and Luke.

"You bimbo's can let me go now." I said getting annoyed at thier usual routine. These two were something else.

"We've missed you so much!" Luke said while fake crying. Idiot

"Dude you freakin' saw me last night."  This guy sure is stupid for a 17 year old. He scares me sometimes.

"You two still amaze me." Jake said as we started walking into the school doors.

Sure me, Jake and Luke were the most popular guys in school and we got crowds everywhere we walked. It's amazing to see how soceity is today. Everyone praises the popular and cool kids but don't even spare one glance at those who are breaking inside.

After walking for a while to our lockers I noticed something. And then that's when I saw her. Standing by her locker 2 lockers from mine. Something in me has always wanted to know her, but my mind said otherwise.

She looked normal today. Maybe just a bit better than before. Her light blue sweater brought out the color of her eyes, an ocean blue so deep. Somehow I knew she was breaking inside.

I opened my locker and took out a few books and textbooks then told my friends to meet me at lunch. After they left I closed my locker and made my way to her.

She didn't even notice me approach her which was saddening. I cleared my throat and broke out of her train of thoughts. She looked at me then slowly looked around as if to make sure I meant her.

She just stood there and looked me in the eyes like she'd seen something she once lost. God her eyes. They were a dark ocean blue. It's like there was a storm in them, like she was drowning and she needed saving. You could see pain in them and a bit of.....anger.

Realising I've been staring at them for too long I shook off whatever trance I was under."Hey, how was your break?" It was the first thing that came to mind.

"I-It was good...yours?" She said above a whisper which was strange cause I wasn't that intimidating.

"Good I was wondering if you'd-" My sentence was cut of when the bell rang inidicating class starting. Really

"Oh well see you around Anna,bye." I said to her and she just smiled - atleast tried to, I think and left.

She sure is a mystery I'm willing to solve.

It's a bit longer than the first Chapter but I hope you enjoy!

Her Eyes.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt