Chapter 8

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Anna's POV

Monday rolled by quickly as usual. I'd say my weekend was average besides Noah coming by uninvitedly. I spent my whole Sunday in the house simply studying. I hated school even though I'm good at it, but trust me it can get tough. I've been bullied almost all my life and that's why I hated it.

The only reason I despised school was because of the people. I couldn't live in place where my hopes and dreams were being shattered day by day. My self-esteem torn down by the minute. A place full of manipulation and betrayal. Sometimes I wonder how I still haven't killed myself yet. Maybe it's because I'm tenacious or solely keeping my promise to him.

12 years. Twelve years of being told what to do and what to say. How and when to do it. We all go through this experience. Some of us make it out alive and others...well we all know what transpires. People say high school is 'allegedly' supposed to be the best years of your life. Not everything is sunshine and rainbows.

High school is a place where everyone acts like their lives are great but are actually dead inside.

As I neared the school doors, I could hear a commotion going on. People were rushing inside some shouting and cheering. Getting in you were showcased with the view of two guys throwing fists at each other. There was a huge crowd surrounding them, everyone was cheering them on enjoying the show. I never took delight in fights or violence.

Teenagers seemed to derive pleasure from it. Some were sane enough to give disapproving looks and walk away from the scene. People were taking videos and pictures, posting them on social media. This fight was probably going to be this weeks gossip.

As I walked to my locker you could hear people mumuring and catching up on the weekends gossip. Probably about that party at Katlyns house on Saturday.

"Did you know they were best friends." Someone said.

"I heard he slept with his girlfriend."

"Who is his girlfriend?"


"Well she seems to be enjoying the show." Someone muttered.


"More like whore."

Sigh.Typical if you may ask me. It's as if this is all they lived for. I never understood why people choose violence to settle matters. I mean you could easily sit down, have a cup of tea and talk about it.

After getting my books I made my way to class. Since I had all my homework done, I slumped down on on a chair and listened to music. Listening to it would help to forget that fight. Violence always left me feeling distressed.

I made my way to the cafeteria feeling a bit better about eating. Food preferably seemed to always make everything better. As I entered the cafeteria eveyone went silent which was wierd. I looked up to see everyone staring at me or more completely to something behind me. In a quick motion I whipped my head to look backwards only to see Katlyn and her minions making their way

"You!" Katlyn exclaimed looking at me with pure malice and hatred. Her perfumes strong scent attacked my nostrils making me cringe inwardly. Wait why was she even talking to me?

Before I could comprehend anything a great force pushed me back, making me stumble on my own two feet hitting the ground with my back. My head hurt and my whole body was aching. I heard a round of gasps from around the room. I propped myself with my elbows and looked up at her.

"You bitch, you useless, unworthy ugly whore! Who do you think you are? Do you possibly think anyone would want a peasant like you? I mean have you seen yourself." She spat looking disgusted by the thought of me. What she said didn't faze me that much. I knew she was doing this to get everyones attention.

"No wonder no likes you. Freak!" She said as her minions laughed along with her. Why would someone 'cause others pain. What good did it do?

She bent down a bit and leaned in closely to my ear."People like you don't belong here. You deserve to die just like S-" With those words said my world came crashing down. It felt like she'd ripped out my heart. My eyes gave in and the tears slipped out, flowing freely down my face. My mind was whirling around with all the pain and flashbacks. Why?

"Leave her alone!" A familiar voice roared. Noah? My mind couldn't register anything as Katlyns words twirled around my mind. All I remember is running out of the cafeteria and school doors. I ran as fast as I could the adrenaline flowing through me. I heard people calling out my name but I ran and ran.

Not knowing were I was going I started running at a slower pace. My breathing was hard, my chest felt like it was being continuously stabbed. Voices were all I could hear in my mind. Each and everyone of them my demons. They wouldn't stop talking, all of them saying hurtful things.

"Stop!Stop!" I yelled not being able to take it anymore. Surprisingly I was near my house. I ran and unlocked the front door not trusting myself to be sane. Everything was moving so fast, the voices couldn't stop talking, my breathing was getting heavier by the second. My hands were shaking and my throat felt clogged. I was sobbing and screaming for everything to stop.

Why wouldn't it stop. I couldn't take the pain anymore. I told myself I was strong but all I wanted was to be weak. My heart was stinging and my vision was blurry. All I could see were black spots now. My knees felt weak and before I could hit the ground strong arms wrapped around my motionless body.

"" I whimpered. And slowly the darkness consumed me.

This Chapter litrally made me cry. I hope you enjoyed it. Please vote and share. Oh! Comments too. Hehe.

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