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A/N : What are your thoughts on the book so far? Are you loving it?

Besides that I wanna thank you all for reading , commenting , and voting. I'm enjoying writing this book, I have big plans!

   "Your not gonna ask if I'm okay"

     "I didn't know I had to" Jayda responded somewhat sour from earlier today, she wasn't in the mood for his childish antics.

       Ignoring his stupidity, she took out her phone hooking it up to Bluetooth. Her head bobbed to the beat as Kissing On My Tattoos x August Alsina blasted in the car. She lowly sung getting more into the song.

      "I don't want nobody but you kissing on my tattoos." Devon sung rubbing his hand up Jayda's thigh. She reluctantly moved it feeling the tingling again. Closing her legs tight she crossed them over instead not wanting him to try something else.

        Devon picked up her phone picking another song the play. He smirked picking the song WeT the Bed x Chris Brown. Jayda squinted her eyes at him noticing this game he insisted on playing.

    "I'm not dealing with your sexual antics today"

    "I don't why you won't let me fuck you. I'll be happy to give you the dick you've been feening for" he smiled reaching over the seat to kiss her neck. His hands traveled up her shirt, squeezing the soft flesh in his hands.

       Jayda pulled over on the side of the road not wanting to swerve in the heap of trees. She grabbed his arm making an useless effort to remove it. Lightly moaning his hands traveled to the inside of her pants. Devon pulled her into his lap changing the position to straddling. He held a firm grip on her head leaning in to meet the distance of her lips. She kissed back suppressing a moan, she desperately wanted to let out. Gasping he took the opportunity to force his tongue in her mouth, his hands smack her bottom roughly.

     "We gotta get home" Jayda reminded herself pulling away from the kids. Fixing her wrinkled shirt , she got herself situated in the driver's seat. She unlocked her phone looking in the camera making an attempt to fix her air. Opening the glove department , she pulled out a sharp tooth comb , combing her hair downward.

    "Your a good kisser" Devon teased smirking at Jayda. He noticed a lot of things about her the past few days.

       Jayda wasn't one to tell you all about yourself, you had to be a well observer to figure it out. Luckily Devon developed the skills to observe a person , mysterious. That's exactly how you could describe her beautiful with secrets , that'll eventually come to light. He realized how caring of a person she is to go out in the rain and pick him up.

    Jayda kept her eyes focused on the road. She wanted the ride back home to be smooth, no bumps. What they just did was totally wrong, he's with Monica. She didn't want to be the reason for anything they have going on to end. Honestly she wanted no parts in their drama period. That's why she's been high key avoiding him lately.

       The sexual tension between them is always high. Every time their in a room together , Devon makes sure to get her wet some type of way. Even if it's just licking whip cream sexily off a silver spoon, turn on. It's hard containing herself but she manages.

    She doesn't hesitate to return the favor either. She started wearing short shorts just to walk past him in. She'll walk in on him in the bathroom handing him lotion or doing something sexy to make him hard. Two could definitely play at his sexual attraction game.

She departed her keys from the ignition, sighing. She grabbed her purse out the backseat, walking to the door, she unlocked not not turning around to see if Devon was behind her.

"Ow" Jayda groaned rubbing her stinging ass. She punched him in the arm. "You can't be doing mess like this , they already think we have something going on and we don't." .

Devon chuckled shaking his head. "So were gonna act like we weren't making out and that you weren't grinding on my dick" he gave her a side-eye.

"Shut up, keep your mouth shut" she blushed rushing out the living room area.

Closing her bedroom door, she smiled. "Why are you so happy" Miracle spoke scaring the shit out of Jayda. She turned around trying to make up a believable lie. "What took you so long , I've been waiting for a hour to cook dinner"

"I'm happy to be back home away from that asshole but to answer your question my GPS was acting up. Plus you know how Devon can be so dramatic at times."

Yass! Totally pulled off that lie!

Score me lmfao

Jayda took off the shirt that still had water stains seeping through. She went in her drawer picking out a plain crop top that she usually wore around the house.

Miracle huffed catching her attention. "I saw your ex today"

"The hell did he want"

She despised her ex, because of everything he did. In high school they were the average popular teenagers, the whole school praised them together. Of course when your happy something always come from the dark to ruin it , she always felt like her ex, Michel was too perfect.

From pictures being leaked on social media, she found out all his secrets. Sleeping with the cheer team , the drinking , and embarrassing her in front of the whole school. After she found out , everything they ever did together had been burned in a fire. Jayda wanted no memories of him, but she did keep their prom picture. The one night she'll always remember , the night she gave him her virginity.

Months later they broke up and he's been trying to get her back ever since. Every once in a blue moon he'll find a way to pop back up in her life.

"I think you should go y'all to him, get some closure on the situation" Miracle pushed hopefully.

"For him to take that as a invite back in my life, hell no" Jayda dismissed the conversation wanting to talk about something else. The last thing she wanted to discuss is why her trust issues are so fucked up.

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