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               Devon turned over in the bed seeing the empty liquor bottles around the room. The odor smelled exactly like sex and fish. He looked over seeing Monica sleeping peacefully beside him. Holding the side of his head , memories of the night before flooded back.

        He was trying to do everything in his power to forgot about Jayda. Living in the same house with her didn't make the situation better. Before he apologized he wanted to make sure he got to the bottom of everything that went down.

        Unfolding a pair of jeans in his drawer, he slid them on, low on time. Throwing on a white T-shirt , he connected one of his gold chains around his neck. The diamonds blinged in the sun, shining the silver. Roughly shaking Monica, she jumped up not bothering to ask questions. She silently put on her clothes , heading for the front door.

           After dropping her off, he swerved to his next stop checking the watch. He couldn't be late for his appointment. Rushing through the double glass doors , his shoes clicked against the freshly waxed floor.

         "Hi, how are you doing"

   "I'm good"

   "What's your appointment time and who are you coming to see"

      "Ten thirty and I'm here to see Mr and Mrs. Lasters" he answered waiting for the receptionist to type the information.

    "Here goes the ticket, it's provided with identification and the directions to the room. Have a nice day" she politely smiled returning to whatever she was doing before he came.

   "You to"  Devon hurriedly entered the elevator enjoying the view of the city. On the way up you could y'all skyscrapers, their logos hanging from the top.

      Hopping off, he sighed lightly knocking on the office door. Jerald opened it directed him to his seat. Maranda sat behind the desk sorting the last of their files. "What did you come to speak to us about, dear" she asked sliding up her glasses.

         "I'm here to ask about my mother Gina Miles, I would like to know her reason for being fired"

        The couple sighed , preparing to tell him the truth , he didn't want to hear. "I'm sorry she didn't have the courage to tell you what really happened. On the security cameras you can clearly see her stealing money from the safe and through classified files. She trashed our office and stole from the other co-workers." Maranda shook her head. "At first I couldn't even think of her doing something like that. We were good friends until she decided to cross me and stab me in the back. I helped her doing desperate times of need" she cried out clutching her pearls, Jerald consoled her.

      "I'm sorry, I never known she would do something like that. I thought she was better"

       "It's okay son, it's not your fault"

Jayda enjoyed her breakfast in bed. Miracle had thought it would be nice if I sit and have breakfast together. It drastically showed that Jayda was somewhat still in her feelings about the incident. No one noticed it except for Miracle because that's her best friend. From her gorgeous smile and the laughter she expressed you would think everything is going perfectly.

        She did everything in her power to ignore the sadness but I wouldn't go away. Her ached and she hated him even more for making her this way. To make matters worse , they live in exact same house.

       "You gotta stopped thinking about it" Miracle coached noticing the sour expressions.

         Jayda sighed shaking her head. "I'm trying , Okay. Lately I've been feeling this feeling" she stressed.

      Miracle nodded understanding. She patted Jayda's shoulder trying to console her. Never in life had she saw her so angry or upset over a boy or anything for that matter. She always had this strategy to brush things off.

"Your in love" Miracle gushed squeezing he hands.

"That's a fucking joke" Jayda had finally laughed for the first time today. She cuddled more into her fury zebra print pillow, the breeze of cold air brushed against her skin.

"Get your phone, because if it keeps ringing I'm gonna throw it" she passed it Jayda.

Jayda took the phone confused at the unknown number and pictures. Her phone continued to beep as more text rolled in from the same number. Clicking on the messages, she zoomed in on the pictures seeing Devon and Monica's face. She smirked not even affected by the immaturity.

"This is hilarious" Jayda shoved the phone in Monica's face showing her the messages.

But he isn't my man????😐

This is the sex tape we made together !

Attachments (5)

Including my pregnancy test, btw it says positive. 🤤

Cat got your tongue because your reading but your not responding ....

Biiiittttcccchhh! LMAO!😴 I'm over here dying at how dumb you look💀

I know I shouldn't be responding to dumb hoes but I'm loving the conversation💀💀💀

You really sent me this bullshit like I care??? That's your man but her ate me out? I'm pretty he never but his mouth on the island of fish!

Cat caught your tongue... I don't see three dots😂😂😂

This was fun but seriously stop blowing up my phone with this nonsense! Take this as a warning !

"This chick really exposed of much a hoe she really is. How can somebody just send their nudes and other private to a girl that barely knows them" Jayda cracked up taking screenshots. In the future she was definitely gonna look back at this and laugh. Jealousy from other girls never bothered her, she always knew that they wanted the attention she had.

"P E to the T T Y, okay ladies now let's get in formation" Miracle sung moving her shoulders up and down.

"You already knnoooww" Jayda dragged our snickering.

The door opened and there stood , Devon. Jayda's mood instantly turned sour , she turned off the tv waiting for the bullshit. She folder her arms over her chest sick of the silence.

"What's your reasoning for coming in here"

"I'm gonna leave you two alone"

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