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My heart pounds against my chest and I smile to myself, blushing faintly.

Jesus Keith, keep it together.

Dallas Winston. Who knew he was gonna be my first guy crush? Crazy right?

"Here you go," Dallas snaps me out of my thoughts and hands me a sandwich.

"Th-thanks," my face grows warm as he just stands there and stares at me, "Uh, do you need something Dally?"

"Ah uh, nope, nope, sorry," he scurries off outside to smoke.

He sure is acting weird. Could it possibly be- shut it Keith. That's crazy. How could you even think that?

I eat my sandwich without another thought and lay my head on the couch arm once I'm finished.

I close my eyes for a split second and then I feel my eye lids grow heavier.


"Two-Bitch... wake up... Two-Bit!" I groggily open my eyes and see Dallas standing over me.

He grins and holds out a hand to me, "come on bud, we're going back to Bucks so you can get some rest on a bed and not a couch."

I take his hand and slowly stand up. He's surprisingly patient with me. It might be because my injury. I don't think too much more on it because as I start walking, he puts his arm around my shoulder. My face burns with... not embarrassment... but excitement. I put my head down and hold my arms steady so I don't happily throw them in the air.

"You okay, Two?" Dally asks as he opens my door for me.

I smile and nod, climbing in. The stitch feels weird and it feels like I'm bleeding but I'm not. I've had to check multiple times. It stings a bit every time I shift so I try not to move much.

Setting my arm on the window sill thing, I watch as the sun goes down. I think about what Ponyboy always tells me whenever we're alone. He talks about the sunsets and I think I'm starting to understand why he likes them so much.

I'm too busy caught up in my thoughts to notice that we aren't going the right way to Bucks. I only sit up when the car turns off and I notice we're out in the country, parked on a large hill, facing the sunset.

I look over to Dallas and I see he has a troubled look on his face.

"Dally? What's the matter?" I ask worriedly.

"Keith... I need to be honest with you," he bites his lip and gazes into my eyes. Though... there's something in his eyes that I've never seen before.

Dallas Winston, looked afraid.

•How was this? Sorry it took awhile•

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