Chapter 13

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This chapter is dedicated to @Hope_of_the_darkness @annagamergirl9
And especially @Void-Loki for all of their votes on my chapters and @Void-Loki for her sweet message to me that made my day. I also want to thank all of you who put my book in your reading lists I would love to name you all, but I think you want to get on with the chapter. Trust me though every single vote and comment and add to a reading list is important and very special to me and it means a lot when you do it.

Kisses -K


"Thanks." John says when they bring him his food. "People don't have arch-enemies." John says after minutes of silence.

"I'm sorry?" Sherlock questions having not really paid attention to what John said.

"In real life." Dr. Watson clarifies chewing his food slowly. "There are no arch-enemies in real life. Doesn't happen."

"Doesn't it? Sounds a bit dull." Sherlock replies not looking away from across the street and Kat has to hold back a laugh.

"So who did I meet?" John asks.

"What do real people have, then, in their 'real lives?' " Sherlock asks back.

"Friends? People they know, people they like, people they don't like." John pauses swallowing his food. "Girlfriends, boyfriends." He looks down.

"Yes, well, as I was saying, dull." Sherlock replies quietly distracted.

"You don't have a girlfriend, then?" At that question Kat's ears and attention perked unconsciously. Kat was currently playing with salt that she had 'accidently' dumped all over the table.

"Girlfriend?" Sherlock repeats slowly and only John seemed to notice how the detectives eyes seemed to unconsciously flick towards Kat as she pushed the salt around with her finger. He smiles slightly at the sight. "No, not really my, uh, area."

"Mm. Oh, right." John says slowly thinking back to when Angelo thought he was Sherlock's date. "Do you have a boyfriend?" He asks after a few minutes of silence and Kat, who was drinking water at the time choked at little on her water. "Which is fine, by the way." He adds quickly looking over to Kat to see if she was alright to which she gave him a thumbs up.

"I know it's fine." Sherlock replies quickly turning to John fully who doesn't really want to look up at him but does anyway.

"So you've got a boyfriend, then." John asks quickly. Kat just sits there watching the awkward conversation as if she wasn't sitting there next to them.

"No." Sherlock stares at him a scrutinizing look on his face as he tries to understand what this conversation is about.

"Right. OK." John says. "You're unattached. Like me. Fine. Good."

Sherlock looks back to the window slowly. After a few beats of silence, however, he looks back to John.

Kat, spotting the awkward look on Sherlock's face, hides a smile behind her hand. "John, um, I think you should know I consider myself married to my work and while I'm flattered by your interest, I'm not gay, and I'm really not looking for any-"

"No, I'm not asking." John quickly interrupts him and corrects himself. "No. I'm just saying, it's all fine."

"Good. Thank you." Sherlock nods his head turning away.

"What about you, Kat?" John asks trying to turn the subject off of him and Sherlock.

"What about me?" She asks after she, successfully, tried really hard to remove the smile off of her face.

"Do you have a boyfriend? Or girlfriend." John asks with a mischievous smile as he tries to embarrass her. Upon hearing this question Sherlock looks towards her as well.

"I'm not gay either." She starts giving them both a lightly patronizing smile at John's attempts at making her uncomfortable. "And I don't have a boyfriend." She answers. "And no, John, I'm not interested either." She adds just to take the mickey out of him and Sherlock smiles knowing exactly what she is doing.

"What- no, uh, I-" He stutters out and Kat laughs.

"I'm messing with you. Again." She smiles at Sherlock and the uncomfortable look on John's face.

"Right." John smiles laughing a little. "Should have known."

"Yeah, besides," Kat gives his another award winning smirk. "You couldn't handle me anyway."

"Funny." John says and the three of them laugh when something catches Sherlock's eyes.

"Look across the street." He points out and the two of them turn to look at it. "Taxi. It's stopped." He says. "Nobody getting in and nobody getting out."

"Why a taxi?" Kat muses turning her head slightly as she thinks.

"Oh, that's clever. Is it clever? Why is it clever?" Sherlock says to himself really fast also thinking about the taxi.

"That's him." John states like a question as he spots a man turn around in the back seat of the taxi.

"Don't stare." Sherlock tells us suddenly.

"You're staring." John fires back.

"We can't all stare." Kat cuts in to their banter.

With that Sherlock hops out of his seat grabbing his coat and scarf and runs out the door Kat and John, unknowingly without his cane, following close behind.

"Sorry." Sherlock says as he jumps over a car watching the suspect cab drive away.

"I've got the cab number." John and Kat say at the same time.

"Good for you." Sherlock closes his eyes and moves his hands around as he sees the rood and signs like a map in his head. "Right turn, one way, roadworks," He says out loud. "Traffic lights, bus lane, pedestrian crossing, left turn only, traffic lights." He open his eyes and starts running.

"Oi!" A man says as Sherlock bumps into him.

"Sorry." John replies for him.

"Come on, John." Sherlock says as he grabs on to Kat's had pulling her along. They run into a building and up many flights of stairs.

"Come on, John." Sherlock calls down to him and the three of them run up a twisted fire except onto the roof of a building. They then run back down some stairs and jump over a fence onto another part of the roof.

Sherlock and Kat jump from one building to another and when they realize John is not behind them they call back to him: "Come on, John, we're losing him!" John hesitates a little more at the gap then just decides to jump it.

They then run down another flight of stairs and onto Lexington Street. They ran down a long ally way and through another building. They get to an intersection and Sherlock pulls Kat to the right and, for some odds reason, John goes left.

"This way." Sherlock says. "No, this way!" He yells after he realizes John went the other way.

"Sorry," John apologizes running in the right direction. After a few more twists and turns they finally intersect the cab.

Sherlock lets go of Kat's hand and reaches into his pocket and pulls out badge. He rushes over to open the cab door.

"Police! Open her up."


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