Chapter 27

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Small A/N - I just want to thank and dedicate this chapter to the only two people who commented on my last chapter @Annagamergirl9 and @zestyfan I really appreciate it when you like my chapters or leave me comments with your feedback on my story. It means the world to me to know that there are some people out there who are willing to communicate with me as if I am a real person (which I am btw). Every writer on Wattpad is a real person who takes a chance by putting their stories and ideas out there for peoples judgement for themselves as well as the world, so knowing that people appreciate the time and effort it takes to bring you guys these characters and stories really helps motivate us to continue doing what we love!

So for you two specifically, @Annagamergirl9 and @zestyfan , as well as my other readers, I decided to give you guys a little glimpse into Kat's past.

Thank you again!!

Much Love and Kisses - K


"It was a threat. That's what the graffiti meant." Sherlock tells Sebastian, interruption him in the middle of his story. After they left Van Coon's apartment, the three roommates went off to find Sebastian to tell him the news of the one; Van Coon's fate. Sherlock must have gotten a look at Sebastian's agenda for tonight because he seemed to know where to go and had the taxi stop at this very high end restaurant and when we got out of the cab, he walked inside and right past the waiters at the front.

Sebastian laughs uncomfortably when he lays eyes on Sherlock standing awkwardly at the side of the table, Kat and John just beside him. As Sebastian looks around the table at the other suited, stuffy business men he is dining with, he sort of gives them an apologetic smile as he tries to brush the three of them off. "I'm kind of in a meeting. Can you make an appointment with my secretary?"

Sherlock sucks in some air sarcastically. "I don't think this can wait. Sorry, Sebastian." He starts sounding apologetic. "One of your traders, someone who worked in your office, was killed." He spits out ending on a serious note.

Sebastian's smile falls off his face. "What?"

"Van Coon." Watson answers for Sherlock. "The police are at his flat."


"Sorry to interfere with everyone's digestion." Sherlock replies with a fake smile.

"Still wanna make an appointment?" Kat smiles dryly at Sebastian. "Would, maybe, nine o'clock at Scotland Yard suit?" She pull out her badge and waved it around a little bit to make Sebastian remember who she was.

Sebastian excused himself from his table and the three intruders followed him as he walked into the men's bathroom. Kat was only slightly hesitant to walk inside, but she eventually followed suit. There was somebody else in the there who was just about to go to the bathroom, but stopped when Kat walked into the room. He turned to look at her aggressively, but she pulled her badge out quickly to shut his mouth.

"Detective Inspector Moore," She flashes him her badge and he looks sheepish. "This is Scotland Yard business. You can do your own business later or anywhere else but here." Kat stuttered slightly when she was talking about his 'business,' but the man didn't notice. Thankfully.

"Umm, yes ma'am, uh detective." The man stutters and rushes out of the room.

Sebastian, looking slightly impressed and scared, walks over to the sink and begins to wash his hands. "Harrow, Oxford... very bright guy. Worked in Asia for a while, so,"

"You gave him the Hong Kong accounts?" John finished for him.

Sebastian dried his hands. "Lost five mill in a single morning, made it all back a week later. Nerves of steel, Eddie had." He explained his reasoning behind his hiring decision while reminiscing on the loss of his co-worker.

"Who'd wanna kill him?" Kat questions trying to get Sebastian to give them any useful information.

Sebastian shrugs. "We all make enemies."

"You don't all end up with a bullet through your temple." Kat smiles dryly at him for what seems like the millionth time today.

Sebastian sighs. "Not usually. 'Scuse me." He says as his phone rings. He checked his message and looks at the three of them in annoyance. "It's my Chairman. The police have been on to him. Apparently they're telling him it was a suicide."

"What am I chopped liver?" Kat asks him exasperated. "I am the police and I'm telling you that it was murder. In person. Not through your 'chairman'."

The stuck up businessman turned to Holmes as if to confirm what the women was saying. "They've got it wrong, Sebastian. He was murdered." Sherlock tells him earnestly.

"Well, I'm afraid they don't see it like that."

"Seb." Sherlock tries again, but he gets cut off.

"And neither does my boss. I hired you to do a job. Don't get side-tracked." With that Sebastian walks away, leaving the three of them behind.

Watson stares back to where Sebastian was and all they are left with was his fleeting, fading footsteps. "I thought bankers were all supposed to be heartless bastards!" The doctor said to no one in particular.

Kat looks over to Sherlock and she sees his jaw twitch in anger. In an attempt to quell his anger, she secretly grabs onto his hand and rubs small circles onto the back of his hand with her thumb, just like he did for her when the cabbie was holding her at gunpoint a few weeks ago. Sherlock turns to Kat and, after seeing the knowing look in her eyes, gives her a thankful smile.


"Hey, I think I'm going to take a little nap." Kat tells Sherlock after they spent a long time trying to figure out any of the symbols. John had left to go try and find a job and Kat was just really tired. She had been kind of avoiding sleep lately because she has been having a lot of nightmares recently.

"Okay." Sherlock replies still focusing on the case and she heads into her room to try and sleep. As soon as her blonde hair hits the pillow, Kat is out like a light and she is consumed by her dreams.


"Come on, sissy, don't you want to play with me?" The female voice asks and Katherine trembles with fear and tries to push away her older sister. Kat hadn't thought about her sister in years, why is she appearing in her dreams now. Her sister takes out a gun, the same kind of fake gun that the cabbie held to her head.

Kat tried to move but suddenly, her hands and legs were bound and she couldn't move them. "Hey, let me go!" She demanded pulling tightly around the restraints that she felt them cutting into her wrists.

"Not until I'm done with you." Her voice sneers into Kat's ear. She clicks the gun and the little flame appears and her sister proceeds to run that flame down her arms just laughing as Katherine screams out in pain.

"You are just sick, get away from me!" The blonde yells as she attempts to push her sister away again to no avail.

Kat's skin burns as her sister continues to drag the flame all over and takes pleasure in causing her pain and it made her sick.


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