Chapter 44

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A/N - Thank you all for your continuous love and support!!! This chapter is dedicated to all of these lovely people!!!

@Kikyo123345678 @astribd14 @MyCookiemonster95 @isabelledospatins @FanFictionGirl19981 @SenniGirl @Theoptimistic123 @MBG202 @Gozdealpcetin @BitterSweetG
@ahtenaismona @Alex_Lyra @MeguelineMaraschim @tea_and_sherlock @noraA7x @ImpossibleGirl205 @AnnabelleHallowthorn @marvelshoney A little Katlock fluff in this chapter for you guys.

Love you all muchly!! Kisses -K


When Sherlock and Kat get outside they hail a cab and the four of them pile in.

"Where to?" The cab driver asks. John and Lestrade stay silent because they have no idea where they are going so Sherlock, who does know where they are going, answers

"Baker Street." Sherlock replies and it finally hits Kat where she had seen the room before while John and Lestrade just remain confused.

"Did you forget something at home?" John asks trying to understand what is going through Sherlock's head right now.

"No, of course not." Sherlock replies and the rest of the cab ride remains silent as Sherlock looks pensively out the window thinking about this case.

When the four of them arrive at Baker Street, Sherlock unlocks the door and walks inside. Usually he would go upstairs to his flat but he doesn't. Instead, he and Kat walk down the hall and stop at a door that says 221C on it.

"Mrs Hudson?" Sherlock shouts out attempting to get her attention. When she arrives, Sherlock walks over to her, tells her something quietly.

After Sherlock talks to Mrs. Hudson, she goes off to grab something and returns with a rather large key ring with lots of keys on it, including the keys to the basement flat.

"You had a look, didn't you, Sherlock, when you first came to see about your flat?" She asks him while he is opening the door. "You did too, Kat."

"Yes, I did." Kat replies.

"The door's been opened." Sherlock says when he gets one lock open and now he only has two left. "Recently."

Mrs. Hudson shakes her head defiantly as Sherlock gets the second lock unlocked. "No, can't be. That's the only key. I can't get anyone interested in this flat." Mrs. Hudson explains. "It's the damp, I expect that's the curse of basements." Sherlock gets the third lock undone and he opens the door and heads inside dragging Kat along with him. "I'd a place once when I was first married. Black mould all up the wall- Oh. Dear me." Mrs. Hudson keeps talking except John and Lestrade aren't there to hear it because they head down into the basement, closing the door, and leaving Mrs. Hudson behind.

When they get to the bottom of the stairs there is an old looking door. Sherlock pushes it open lightly and it creaks ominously. The four detectives walk in and notice that the place is completely empty except for a single pair of trainers in the middle of the floor. It wouldn't be super weird except they weren't in the other picture from the pink phone and they are very clean and are placed neatly in the exact center of the room.

"Shoes." Lestrade replies simply.

Kat leans down to look at them more closely.

"He's a bomber, remember." John reminds her and she backs up a little bit.

Sherlock, not really caring that much, bends down to the ground and gets into a push-up position so his face is about an inch away from the shoes. He's looking at it for a few minutes when a phone suddenly rings.

Sherlock, realizing that it is the pink phone that is ringing, stands up and answers it.

"Hello." Sherlock answers nonchalantly and puts the phone on speaker so that everyone can hear it too.

There is a few seconds of heavy breathing before somebody finally speaks. "H-Hello sexy." A shaky female voice replies and Kat and Sherlock share a confused look.

"Who's this?" Sherlock asks. 

"I've sent you a little puzzle. Just to say hi." The women on the phone replies slowly.

"Who's talking? Why are you crying?" Sherlock tries to figure out.

"I-I'm not crying." She answers chocking back a few sobs. "I'm typing. And this stupid bitch is reading it out."

Sherlock pauses for a second and them seems to speak to himself. "The curtain rises." He mutters quietly.

"What?" Kat asks confused turning to Sherlock.

Sherlock dismissed her question because he is too busy thinking about the shoes and the situation they have been put in. "Nothing."

"No, what did you mean?" Kat pushes a little.

Sherlock sighs. "I've been expecting this for some time." He explains.

The women on the phone speaks again. "12 hours to solve my puzzle, Sherlock or I'm going to be so naughty."


Sherlock and Kat arrive at St. Bartholomew's Hospital and Kat and Sherlock get to work in figuring out where these shoes came from and who they belonged to. John had to go run a few errands before he joined them, so it is just Kat and Sherlock right now. They are there for thirty minutes when Sherlock gets frustrated and throws a petri dish across the room.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Kat asks him as she crosses the room to stand in front of him.

"I can't concentrate of these shoes because my mind keeps wandering to who is doing this and why." Sherlock explains running his hands through his hair frustrated. "For some reason I just can't focus on anything right now."

"Hey, Sherlock, just, look at me for a second." Kat says as she grabs his face lightly and turns it to face hers. "You, are Sherlock freaking Holmes' the world's one and only consulting detective. If anybody can solve this case, it's you."

The two of them stare at each other for a few minutes before Sherlock breaks their comfortable tension. "You know, Miss Moore, I honestly do not know how I ever solved cases before I met you." The curly haired detective tells his blond friend. "I mean, I obviously was able to solve lots of cases before I met you," Kat laughs lightly at this. "But I just feel like I think so much clearer when you're around." He adds seriously.

"I feel the same way, Mr. Holmes." Kat replies. "I really, really like you-working with you." She corrects hastily trying not to give too much away. "I, uh, don't think I've ever done more dumb shit in my life and had so much fun while doing it. And I've never met a guy like you before; you are truly one of a kind. In the best way." Sherlock's face flushes slightly at this complement.

"Now," Kat says remembering that they have a job to do. "Let's put that genius brain of your back to work and solve this case."


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Kat Got Your Tongue? (Sherlock X OC) ~BOOK 1~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz