Chapter 54

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A/N - Hello, my lovelies!!!! Hope you are all doing well. I have decided that, in a small attempt to lift your spirits, I will start giving you guys 2 chapters every Sunday and on the day I post my final chapter for this book you will all have a special little treat and I can't wait to share it with you. Now on to my weekly dedications...

Thank you so much to @MiniMary202 @ahtenaismona @astridb14 @kris_ty_na @Theoptimistic123 @tea_and_sherlock @thrillofbooks @fuzzywuzzy406 @isabelladospatins @GillianAqua @MyCookiemonster95 @TamieMaxwell @Gamergirl32003 @BitterSweetG @MeguelineMaraschim @DoctorCircuit40 @Larachr2012 @SenniGirl @Ink_demon66 for all of your votes and comments!!! You really keep me inspired!

Love you muchly, Kisses -K


John continues to give Sherlock the silent treatment.

"I've disappointed you." Sherlock points out.

John gives a dry laugh. "That's good, that's a good deduction, yeah."

Sherlock sighs and rolls his eyes as if he were talking to a child. "Don't make people into heroes, John. Heroes don't exist, and if they did, I wouldn't be one of them."

Suddenly the pink phone dings alerting the roommates to a new message.

"Excellent. A view of the Thames. South Bank, somewhere between Southwark Bridge and Waterloo." He turns to John. "You and Kat check the papers, I'll look online." Sherlock and Kat begins searching but John doesn't make a move to help. "Oh, you're angry with me, so you won't help. Not much cop, this caring lark."

With that little taunt, the good doctor gives in to his caring desires and decides to start looking through the papers.

"Archway suicide," John tries but he gets dismissed quickly.


"Two kids stabbed in Stoke Newington." Kat reads out loud and then tosses that paper on the floor.

"Ah, man found on the train line, Andrew West." John looks up slightly to see if Sherlock would comment anything about the case his brother was insistent that he look into.

"Nothing!" Sherlock groans and snaps out his phone and dials a number. "It's me. Have you found anything on the South Bank between Waterloo Bridge and Southwark Bridge?"


"Do you reckon this is connected, then, the bomber?" Lestrade questions the curly haired detective. John, Sherlock, and Kat met Lestrade on the South Bank. The roommates left 221B as soon as Sherlock got off the phone. The met up on the bank where there is a soggy and wet body of a man laying face down in the sand.

Sherlock nods his head. "Must be. Odd, though, he hasn't been in touch."

"Then we must assume that some poor bugger's primed to explode, yeah?"


Lestrade lets Sherlock look at the man's body from a distance for a moment before he decides to speak. "Any ideas?"

"Seven, so far." Sherlock says simply while shrugging his shoulders.

"Seven?" Kat repeats incredulous with a smile on her face and Sherlock then begins to bend down and closely examine the body; poking a prodding away. He takes the shoes and socks off the body and uses his magnifying glass on the feet. Holmes then steps back and gestures for John to come over and look at the body.

John bends down to observe the body for himself while the curly haired detective then gets onto his phone and begins searching for something. "He's dead about 24 hours. Maybe a bit longer."

Kat Got Your Tongue? (Sherlock X OC) ~BOOK 1~Where stories live. Discover now