Chapter 47

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A/N - Hello my lovelies!!! So sorry this is a few hours late... I got way too distracted on YouTube and didn't realize that is 2 am right now. Lol. Also, I just want to apologize again for what I did to you in the last chapter... I know it was really cruel of me (and I did it again in this chapter... oops) But I really understand your anger. I realized that I have become the very author that I hate... the one who taunts you with the relationship and waits until the last minute to give you anything, but I promise that I have a plan. I didn't want their relationship to be too rushed, but, in my plan, I realized that maybe it's taking too long but oh well, there's no going back now. Also sorry about all of the notification spams yesterday, I decided to do some minor edits (grammar and format changes) as well as make sure that I remembered some of my earlier plot foreshadows.

IMPORTANT!!! I also wanted to ask you guys, how descriptive do you want the Katlock romance to be? I can make it as descriptive or as vague as you want me to, but there will be romance no matter what. Personally, I like a little more descriptive fluff (call me weird) but this book is for you, all of my loyal readers Let me know and then I can get started in putting some more fluff into my chapters. Now, only my weekly dedications...

@MeguelineMaraschim @missquinn02 @aye-alright @Alex_Lyra @DoctorCircuit40 @JazzySalter31 @ahtenaismona @noraA7X @tea_and_sherlock @MBG202 @Theoptimistic123 @Saphire2102 @astridb14 @BlackLazureSea @Gozdealpcetin @FanFictionGirl19981 @aihposenilamme @BitterSweetG @SenniGirl @EmmelineGRWeasley @AnimeLV @imjustreading_stuff @0Klaroline0 @ladyjuliaph

Thank you all for your continuous support with your votes and comments!!!

Love you muchly, Kisses - K


"So what did we miss?" Kat asks Sherlock genuinely curious.

Sherlock smiles at her. "Not much," He answers. "Just some specific details. The owner loved these. Scrubbed them clean, like you said. Whitened them where they got discolored. He did change the laces three," Sherlock pauses. "No, four times. Even so, there are traces of his flaky skin where his fingers have come into contact with them, so he suffered from eczema. The shoes are well worn, more so on the inner side, which means the owner had weak arches. British-made, 20 years old."

"20 years?" John and Kat looked surprised.

"They're not retro, they're original. Limited edition; two blue stripes, 1989. There's still mud on them." Sherlock looks up a picture on his phone and shows them.

"Damn." Kat smiles impressed that at some point, during his explanation, Sherlock managed to find those shoes on his phone.

"They look new." John says in disbelief.

Sherlock nods his head in agreement. "Someone's kept them that way. Quite a bit of mud caked on the soles. Analysis shows it's from Sussex with London mud overlaying it."

"How do you know?" The doctor asks.

Sherlock moved his computer for John to see what he was analyzing. "Pollen. Clear as a map reference to me. South of the river, too. So, the kid who owned these trainers came to London from Sussex 20 years ago and left them behind."

"So, what happened to him?" Kat asks putting her hand on Sherlock's shoulder.

Sherlock remains silent for a few moments as he ponders his response. "Something bad. He loved those shoes, remember. He'd never leave them filthy. Wouldn't let them go unless he had to. So, a child with big feet gets-Oh!"


"Carl Powers." Sherlock breathes out almost inaudibly.

"Sorry, who?"

Kat Got Your Tongue? (Sherlock X OC) ~BOOK 1~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang