66. Privilege of Acceptance

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Happy Forever Friday!


The names are the first things to go, after the breath has gone, and the beating of the heart. We keep our memories longer than our names.

— Neil Gaiman, Coraline


In the last chapter of Someone's Forever

[Your Answer awaits You]

Niera's POV

The clouds seems to rule the sky, they appeared out of nowhere snatching away the glow of sunlight from the land leaving it misty in the shadows of day. It was all cloudy and dark in no time.

A moment it was sunny and shiny, the other dark misty clouds overcast the sun threatening to swallow the lights of world, I frowned deeply as I glanced at the sky before turning my gaze back ahead, to the dark path in front of me.

Deserted even in the hours of afternoon. Deserted always!

I plastered a scowl on my face before measuring the path through my long strides. Long strides to cross the crossing faster, to reach the motel before dark sets rule in the sky.

In reality, in the shadow of trees and misty sky it was already mostly dark, just the time it mattered otherwise the nature already set darkness into play.

The distinct sound of crickets was my companion as I walked over the concrete road.

Peace was looming, as subtle breeze roamed around.

But my mind wasn't at peace, as I took steps after steps a strange fear started to grip me. Like my mind was notifying me of some unsaid danger.

For a long time I shrugged it away as reminder of my past experiences in the crossing of Woods but in spite of my constant neglecting, it was still there daunting and strangely becoming prominent.

Don't know why but a strange kind of uneasiness was ruling my senses. As if my instincts are warning about something. Something evil is going to happen.

Very bad.

Perhaps I think too much!

No sweetie you definitely dwell too much! My logics answered shooing the instinctive warning away from my attention.

Shaking my head, I threw away the thoughts as I headed ahead.

The evening was knocking with the dark clouds lurking over me. The path was quiet apart from random occasional rustling of dry leaves whispering along in the rapping of cold breeze.

The branches of trees on the sides of the road swaying in the rhythm of wind.

The serenity of nature enthralled my heart to no bounds as a smile crawled upon my face.

Birds aren't at sight, neither there distinct soothing chirping.

Seems like they went home soon!

With another puff of air evacuating my lungs, I paid my complete attention to the deserted path in front of me. Concrete roads and deserted, a perfect path for my peaceful journey.

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