78. Desperate Diversion

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May the bright light of festival bring you joy and happiness in life...!

Wishing you all a very prosperous Festival of light, Diwali!

Though, its light everywhere, I feel dark inside,

It feels all empty when there is all around,

Festival doesn't enthrall without us now;

We miss you every day, we'll miss you always!

Sneha keerti5, E. enchantingcleopatra,  coloroflife Thank You guys, it means a lot!


Sometimes you don't realize your own strength until you come face to face with your greatest weakness.

— Susan Gale



My heart is fragile; I fear it'll break,

My heart is naïve; I fear it'll be tricked,

My heart is unprotected; I fear it'll be harmed;

My heart is intractable, I fear when it doesn't listen,

My fears crawl down to my spine when it beats at your sight,

I feel fear even after that innocent promise you made, not to kill my

Naïve fragile intractable heart!

The first ray of light found my face, blinding my eyes but I feel my smile, as the warmth embracing me, I blink once accepting the golden glow on my face as it spread all around. The magnificent golden light gives life to the wide field, golden flowers shimmer in the golden glow. The sun above me smiles at me, as I twirl around in glee soaking in the beauty in warm breeze, it brings elation in my heart, it brings peace to me, I walk into the field, the small buds grins at me as I caress them on my way. Suddenly I feel my heart beats, loud in my chest; I raise my gaze from the soft buddy flower, leaving the petal to glow.

My eyes see someone, someone I know, I tilt my head to take a clear view before leaving it all, I find myself walking to the dark shade. The figure turns to allow me to see the hidden face. Stupefied I walk to one face I know, he opens his arms, my rig cage shuddered as the wild heart busts. I run to his arms, falling to him so he could hold me, the arms encircle me, holding me tight. I feel peace, solace in that moment, the golden field and golden sun smiles in my joy.

I close my eyes, open them again, the field is now dark, darkness trapping the blissful beauty, my heart shudders in my chest, this time a tinkling fright knocks me out, the arms holding me secure start to loss, I protest wordless until the familiar figure moves away, leaving me to the cold air, the darkness binds me in, the cold wind leaving me breathless, I protest wordless, for him to come and embrace me again.

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