75. BitterSweet Sky

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Sometimes I feel it was all a dream,

A dream which took you far away,

Then, when eyes open, I find the brutal reality laughing at me,

Tears; sometimes look like a companion,

Sometimes, I hate them in pain, sometimes smile whispers,

When I look back into past, I find you smiling at me,

Somewhere a corner of my heart blooms, caressing me, it makes me believe,

You're not gone, you're here, every smile of ours, is your blessing.

But then, somewhere, sometimes, we miss you, just in that one fallen tear!


The Slave has been updating on Inkitt only for a while. You can read it there anytime.


"Would 'sorry' have made any difference? Does it ever? It's just a word. One word against a thousand actions."

— Sarah Ockler, Bittersweet



Heart wails, mind fails,

The dilemma of night stays fresh to my mind,

I fail to comply what I have been asked to,

I find myself being torn, some wails are muffled,

I feel helpless, this battle of heart and soul,

I feel lifeless, I feel helpless!


Morning brought a new ray, in its light. The dark clouds last night were promising storm. But few showers pelt down in the dark night.

The night was long, I was restless, without a wink of sleep, I witnessed the fall breathless.

Through the window open, I heard the squeals of falling drops as they fall on the grounds.

Tip! Tip!

Like a melody of night, they crashed on the ground, in the silence of night, when world slept, they danced through my window in cold winds.

Watching the rain pouring from sky, I sighed as I was lost in my own thoughts.

A sensation of burn drew me out of my lost world, the white ceramic mug; I placed back on the table before comforting my lips through my tongue. I sighed shaking my head.

So lost to get hurt!

"Seems like something have you under the spell, or rather someone." A soft chuckle escaped my lips as I shook my head at Jerry's words as he came to sit beside me.

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