77. Knows More than Told

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I hope you all had a great Navratri! Thanks a lot for the wishes!

I will reply to your comments and messages as I get time, guys.

Friends are the best part of life, it's a proven fact.

When you have no one, your buddies come; they bring sense of belonging to you.

Here I would like to thanks to a few names who have given new meaning to love of friendship bond for me!

Neha TunesOfHeart, Shanaya Shanaya777 and S. Jangotra jangotra27!

Thank you so much guys, for being there for me when I wasn't even available! It means the world to me!

I was once told: My work prove me, not any accusations. 

So thank you very much!

Thank you Zaina42  for being an amazing reader, your messages and comments always are a delight to see! Thank you so much dear!


"I have seen people starting the fire with water, turning every breeze into a storm, create chaos out of peace. Few people are meant to destroy everything and themselves no matter what, and if you hold on to them long they will take you into their abyss and tear you into pieces."

— Akshay Vasu



What the most precious thing one can hold,

I asked a child when he was staring at the cloudless sky

He stares to me tearing his eyes from the blue hue,

His toothy grin was my reward as he ran away without a word,

I stood on the grass as he jumped onto the muddy pit,

The grin stayed intact, when the small wounds and cuts, he got,

He continued to play, before turning to me, he winked,

I smiled when I found answer!

"Who are you?"

Tongue slips, almost everyone's. It's a natural phenomenon, but these natural phenomenon' have time, at inappropriate times, slip of tongue can be disastrous, it can bring chaos, misunderstanding, confusions, and sometimes, it can bring an underlying knock of fear, like mine.

Who are you?

Three words, one words brought me to the cliff of bemused trepidation.

I kept staring at the man, awaiting for him to clarify, to realize his mistake and rectify it but he sat staring leisurely at me, awaiting my response to his question which was nonsense.

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