Chapter 25: Fallin' Like Rain

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Maybe it was your laugh,

Or your eyes,

Or your smile.

It could have been your hair,

Or your voice,

Or your personality.

Whatever it was, 

It made me fall,

Fall pretty damn hard.

Jaimie-mae groaned when she realized her head wouldn't be able to absorb much more algebra problems.

Fabian was a suprisingly good teacher and she had gotten through most of the questions. But when she got to the part where she had to figure out where the y-axis intercepts with the x-axis, she was just about ready to burst into tears.

Her mood had visibly dropped and she couldn't tell why. She wasn't having a bad day. Today was a good day and math didn't usually ruin that.

"We should probably stop here. You look like you want to tear your homework apart," Fabian said as he dropped down his pen.

"Thank you." She collasped backwards into the bed and sprawled her limbs out into the air.


She sat up quickly. "Oh my gosh. Did i-" Suddenly she burst out laughing. "Did i kick you?"

He fake pouted. "Yes."

"Aww poor baby. Should i kiss it make it better?" She asked playfully.

He smirked at her. "Yes, you really should."

Her eyes widened. She had really walked into that one.

"Relax. I'm just kiddng," he gave one of his heart-fluttering worthy smiles "I mean, unless you want to."

Jaimie-mae suddenly thought of Fabian kissing her with his full lips and she blushed furiously. She smashed her face into the bed to hide her blush.

"Oh come onnn," he whined. "Stop hiding the adorable blush."

If it was even possible, she blushed more. Her neck and ears were hot now and she could feel her stomach jumping around happily.

"Fabian! I was-"

Both Jaimie-mae's and Fabian's heads turned to the door. Justin's big figure stood tall in the doorway of his room and he did not look happy.


Jaimie-mae gulped. "Hi, Mr. Sharp."

She noticed how both boys looked extremely tense and she wondered if she was the reason the house seemed so cold now.

"Fabian, can you step out here for a second please," Justin asked tightly.

"I was helping Jaimie-mae with her homework. Nothing more," he said, getting straight to the point.

Justin's gaze travelled to the piles of paper scattered over Fabian's bed then he looked over to Jaimie-mae. He nodded. "Alright. Im going out for work. Watch your brother," he said sternly. "It's nice to see you again Jaimie-mae."

"You as well."

The two of them watched as Justin walked away. Then they both let out relieved breaths.

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