Chapter 51: Graduations and Proposals

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Don't cry because it's over, be happy because it happened.

- Dr. Suess


Fabian watched as Jaimie-mae walked up the aisle, her hips swaying slightly as she made her way up the stairs in her slightly high heels. He chuckled when he thought back to how much she complained about the shoes that her friends Kacey and Bella forced into.

He grinned as he watched her gracefully make her way up onto the stage.

"... and this young lady will receive a special certificate for having, not only, high honors but also coming third overall," the principal announced with a smile. "Ms. Jaimie-mae Cole come over here and grab your diploma!"

The whole croud erupted into cheers and claps but one persons voice stood out from the rest.

"Yeah Jaimie!! That's my girl!" Fabian shouted as he stood up out of his chair, almost knocking over her mother in the process. "My girl!"

He watched with a bright, proud smile as she grinned for the camera and then her beautiful blue eyes scanned over the crowd until they locked with his brown ones.

She playfully blew a kiss and waved which he in turn pretended to catch it and store it away in his suit-pants pocket.

He chuckled when she ducked her head to sheild her face with her long brown hair as she walked off the stage.

He sat back down with a huge smile on his face and Jaimie-mae's mother had to pat his arm a few times to keep him from losing it and running over to her before the graduation was over.

He couldn't wait to run over there and kiss her until she couldn't breathe. She had made him so unbeilevably proud with what she had acheived.

She had just moved into town not too long ago after a traumatic experience, gone through depression, powered through her PTSD, dealt with him and she still came out on top. To him she was beyond amazing. She was strong and beautiful. She was like his own wonderwoman.

Once the ceremony was finally over, he sprung out of his seat and practically bull-dozed through other peoples families just to get to his girl.

As soon as he spotted her short frame, he beelined for her and picked her up, giving her a spin and she squealed in laughter before he placed her down and peppered kisses all over her face.

"You. are. so. amazing," he said between kisses to her lips. "I'm so proud of you Jaimie-baby. You're just- you're so... i don't even have any words to describe you."

She giggled and playfully wiped the kisses off into his dress shirt. "Thank you. You look nice all dressed up like this."

"Thanks. I stole the shoes out of my dads closet, shh don't tell him."

"I won't tell," she said through a laugh.

Jazmyn soon came barrelling through and engulfed her daughter into a hug before pulling back and shoving a boquet of flowers and balloons into her hands. "Let me get a picture of you."

Jaimie-mae stood up straight and smiled for the camera, the flowers partially blocking her cheek.

"I'm so proud of you baby face," Jazymn said excitedly.

"Thanks mom."

"Fabian, stand beside her for the picture."

He did as he was told, wrapping an arm around her waist and pressing a kiss to her temple.

He did as he was told, wrapping an arm around her waist and pressing a kiss to her temple

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A/N - not them by the way. None of these pictures are, i just thought this gave a pretty good visual. Fabian would be a lot taller than what this picture shows. Okay, continue. And thanks for reading!

"You two are just so cute," Jazymn said with an excited smile. "Your friends are waiting to get pictures with you Jaimie, go along."

Jaimie-mae looked behind her before smiling and waving to her three friends, who were talking excitedly about how they were so happy to leave that 'stupid school.' She gave Fabian's cheek a kiss before scurrying off to take tons of pictures with her friends.

He watched his girlfriend as she laughed and jumped around excitedly. He absolutely adored her. He couldn't even take his eyes off her for one second.

She looks so beautiful when she's happy. And that cute ass, i c-

His naughty thoughts were cut off when her mother tapped him on the shoulder. He spun around to face her and she looked at him with a proud smile.

"Fabian, i just want to thank you for everything you've done for my daughter."

He smiled. "Yeah of course. But i haven't really done anything."

"You have actually. I can't always be there because i'm always out working, but you've been there for her and you've made her the happiest she's ever been since the... incident. I don't know how to show how grateful I am for making my sweet girl happy again."

"There's no need to do that. I'm more grateful that you've allowed me to be with her, because i'm twenty and she's just graduating. She saved my life, very literally. And i love her for that and more."

Jazmyn awed and grabbed his hand. "Is there anyway at all i can show you how grateful i am?"

A bright smile lit up his face and the idea he suddenly had made him want to shout in excitement, but instead he lowered his voice so just Jazmyn could hear him. "There's a way actually."

"Yeah of course. What is it?"

"May i have your daughters hand in marriage?"

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