My forbidden defences

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"Carter? What happened." Mason says trying to help me up.

I didn't want to believe he was trying to help so crawled out of his grasp into the corner. He tried to grab my arm again but I shifted. I really wanted to tell him to leave me alone but the pain kept my mouth shut. I didn't want help from my enemy.

"Stop pulling away I'm only trying to help."

Yea, like I haven't heard that before I think to myself. Wait, from him I haven't heard that. Is he lying? I still didn't want to believe him as he came closer to talk to me.

"Ok just tell me who did this then."

I still couldn't speak so I attempted to grab my phone. My hand was shaky so I could barely grab it. I managed to type one word before I passed out.

The one word was.... Adrian.


"Adrian? How could he do that."

"Well you see I had my friends beat him up..... pretty cool right. You forgot to take care of him so I did. Your welcome."

"Your welcome?your welcome? I told I would take care of it."

"What... your acting like you have a crush on him."

I got up and walked out of the bathroom. Adrian claimed I had a crush on my enemy. Why was I even helping Carter? Before going to class I grabbed yvonne by the arm and whispered in her ear. It's a secret for another time.

"So you don't have a crush on him."

"No he's a dipshit notice I didn't help him."

At this time I did believe I hate him. Nothing else. I sat in class not feeling bad about Carter. Did I know why this happened? Yes. But why didn't I feel bad? My day consisted of those questions and it seemed to drag on. By the end of the day I was wiped out. Though I was tired I still had something to do. I still had to meet with someone. I still had questions. After school I drove straight home. My mom wasn't home yet so I ran to my bedroom. I then sat on my bed waiting for my company to arrive. In about an hour they arrived and I said to come into my room.

"Hello" they say coming into my room

"Hello.... do you know why your here."

"Is it about Carter being beat up."

"Yes it is. I know who did it. I have a way for us to get back at them. I have a plan.

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