Living off the Grid.

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I've never noticed how many times a day I check my phone and now that it's unavailable I feel like part of me is missing. It's like I'm living in the remote wilderness without a connection to the Outside world. There was no away I could have gotten a new one, maybe when I got paid. At least my classes kept my mind occupied.

At this point I'm just there for my degree. Opening a restaurant is my long term goal but it won't be easy, I have little to no financial help and my bills outnumber my income significantly. I remember when I was sixteen and all I wanted to do was be an adult so I could do whatever I wanted. The truth is being an adult sucks. Your life is rushed and mundane and littered with work and bills.


My shift began at 6pm and Ginger was in rare form. I heard her complaining about all her tables being teenagers and not leaving tips. Even with my world being so uneventful it could be much worse. I could be Ginger I laughed to myself. It could always be worse.

The diner was dead after 1am. We sat at a booth waiting for the end of our shift talking about life and the general slowness of business.

The bell rang as the door opened letting us know there was a customer.  We all sighed, there is nothing that bothers me more than last minute customers. Who waits until 1:10 to walk into a diner? I looked up and caught a glance of who walked in. It was her.


She came in with a friend and took a booth close to where our staff was gathered. Not wanting her to see me at my job or in my dirty apron I walked into the kitchen and prepared myself for the incoming order. It never came. Instead Ginger come into the back and complained that they just want coffee.

"Go to damn 711 and get some fucking coffee. God damn millennials." She didn't stop there. She went on a four minute rant about my age group which later lead her into talking about president Trump. After she smoked a cigarette she went back out to check on them.

"The girl wants to talk to the chef, I told her you would take care of them I'm going home. They aren't ordering food." Ginger instructed as she grabbed her keys and exited through the back door.

"What the fuck."

I put on a new apron so I could look somewhat presentable before grabbing some fresh coffee to bring to the table. When I arrived I noticed her friend putting on her coat.

"Audrey, call me in the morning." The mystery girl said to Audrey.

"Would you like a refill?" I asked holding up the coffee pot. She smiled at me while checking out my attire. Although it was only the second time I had seen her it was clear she didn't need for anything. Her purse was expensive and she wore new designer clothes.

"No, I want you to sit down with me."

Confusion plagued my mind. What was up with this girl? She can't just show up at my job and ask me to sit with her.

"I really can't. I have to clean up. We close in a about 40 minutes." Audrey laughed nervously while she played with her hands.

"Well I was wondering if you would give me another ride back to my house. I forgot to give you gas money yesterday and I believe I owe you a new phone."

I thought to myself 'She might actually be insane'. It wouldn't surprise me. It's basically all I attract. Crazy narcissistic girls.

Why didn't her friend just drive her? Part of me wondered if she had planned this encounter.

"My friend had to leave, kind of in a hurry. Plus, I knew you worked here from last night and all. Oh, I almost forgot." She reached into her purse and pulled out an iPhone. "It's last years but it's should work on any carrier."

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