You're not alone.

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The night air was cool and damp. The streets were empty as people were still stuck in their slumbers. The ride to Audrey held no traffic or distractions. When I pulled up her car was parked in her driveway.

She couldn't have been there long. I had left minutes after her. I exited my car and attempted to gain my composure. I didn't know what I was going to say or do so I just knocked and waited.

I waited for a half hour only to get no response. I used the door bell in my second attempt hoping it would ring throughout the house. I rang it frantically as I felt the cold air start to sting on my skin. I had left in such a rush I forgot to grab my jacket and my arms were littered in goosebumps.

There was no noise around the house. It's was the eerie kind of silence. The same kind you felt while watching a scary movie with all the light off. I found myself constantly checking over my shoulder regardless of how nice this neighborhood was.

I knew that Audrey never usually locked her door. There was a chance I would anger her by walking in to her house without an invitation so I hesitated. My mind was in turmoil. Walking in could have made her angrier but I also wanted to be there for her. Again I let my heart speak for my mine and I turned the doorknob. Sure enough the door was open.

All the lights were out in the oversized home. I stumbled a bit looking for the light switch before I found it. I quickly scanned the downstairs and came up empty. She had to be upstairs.

I made my way up to her room. Again I felt the silence of the house linger into my mind. My senses were at their peak as I tip toed down the hallway. I shook off my creepy thoughts as slowly opened the door to Audrey's bedroom.

"Audrey." I spoke softly into the dark room. "Audrey, are you in here?"

"Emma?" I heard a soft voice answer.

I followed the angelic voice and made my way to the bed. Audrey was under her blankets wrapped in a cocoon. I found the light on the end table and flipped it on so I could see her.

She looked so broken. Pain was plastered on her face. Her eyes were red and swollen as if she had cried all the way home. Audrey couldn't look at me. Instead her eyes gleamed out the window. I climbed into her bed slowly. She didn't object to me being here with her so I wrapped my arms around her fragile body.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

"Because I want to be." I answered truthfully.

"You can leave, I wouldn't hold it against you." She said as she pressed back against me. Her worlds conflicted her actions and I knew then that she wanted me there regardless of what she said.

"I don't want to leave Audrey but when you're ready, I'd like to talk about it." I placed a small kiss on her shoulder.

"I told you I get sad sometimes." Her tone was growing cold again.

"I know. I just wanted to understand why."

"There isn't a why. It just happens." Audrey answered.

I propped myself up on my elbow so I could get a better look at her while I spoke.

"I'm new to this Audrey. I need you to understand that or at least for you to try to understand me as much as I'm trying for you." I found myself begging her. "Please just talk about it, so I can understand?"

Audrey took a couple of deep breaths before she she turned to face me.

"For me, depression means nothing is ever going to be right, because I am always wrong, whatever I do feels wrong even when it's so right. Whenever I think I'm okay for a while I get like this. When I'm with you I feel alive and when I'm alone I feel empty. It's the constant fear of destroying everyone and everything I love for my selfish choices and inability to face the world around me Emma. After tonight I just felt like it wasn't fair for you. I can't do this to you. I can't hold you back too." The tears were pouring from her. It broke my heart to see her like this.

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