A Date to Remember.

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My Saturday was coming to an end. The kitchen was cleaned and I found myself daydreaming about our first real date tomorrow.

My schedule had made it difficult for us to see each other as often as we both would have liked. The distance itself just heightened my excitement for Sunday.

Audrey refused to give me any details. She had planned out our entire day and evening. The unknown was both exciting and terrifying. I had hoped that she wouldn't take me somewhere too expensive or over the top.

I didn't know this side of Audrey. It was mysterious and like a moth to a flame I was drawn in. We had always stayed in during our nights together. It was a much anticipated and welcomed change in our relationship.

After saying goodbye to my coworkers I headed out to my car. I pulled out my phone so I could talk to Audrey during my drive. It was becoming an habit of ours to speak when I left work.

"Hey you, how was work?" Audrey sounded excited and surprisingly awake.

I told her about my long day and how I spent most of the morning preparing for my finals.

"Come over tonight," Audrey suggested. "I don't want to wait until tomorrow." Her eagerness excited me.

"I didn't bring any clothes with me." I joked trying to play it cool but I knew I would end up in her arms tonight.

"I have clothes you can wear. Please, it's been a few days and I miss my girlfriend." Every time she called me her girlfriend my heart melted a bit.

"I'm on my way."

I turned my car around and headed in the direction of her place. The ride there was quick, she had lived closer to the diner than I did.

When I reached her front door it swung open and Audrey greeted me with the most beautiful bouquet of flowers. There were red roses and white lilies mixed with many other flowers that complimented each other perfectly. Audrey was a first. No one had ever bought me flowers before.

"I owe you a proper apology Em." Audrey offered me the bouquet as she stepped closer to me. The early morning air was brisk and cold. The warmth of her body was a welcomed comfort. Her free hand found mine and held it. "The other day I reacted badly. My friends were rude and I should have said something then. I'm sorry."

I took the flowers from her. It didn't matter anymore. I didn't want her friends to be a negative factor in our relationship. I just wanted us to enjoy each other. I just wanted her.

"Audrey it's fine. These are beautiful, you're beautiful." I said as I leaned in and kissed my girlfriend in the cool blanketed darkness of the morning.

After we made our way inside Audrey placed the flowers into a vase. She set them on display on the kitchen island. Before we went upstairs Audrey set the alarm for the doors and windows.

"At least we'll know if we have visitors this time." Audrey joked. We both exchanged a small laugh before entering her room.

After I showered we settling into Audrey's bed. It was already three thirty in the morning and we were both exhausted. Part of me wanted to continue where we left of the last time we were in her bed but my body was failing me. I needed sleep.

"Goodnight babe." I said as I held Audrey.

"Goodnight Emma."


Movement next to me woke me up. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes only to catch Audrey sneaking back into the bed with two cups of coffee.

"One of these days you're going to have to teach me to cook. I wanted to make you breakfast but burnt eggs didn't seem like a good start for your morning." I laughed as I took the mug from her.

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