To Give You the World.

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"True love cannot be defined by any means. It is a cluster of adjectives. It's crazy, passionate, complicated, painful, but most importantly, true love is real. It's that feeling of being inexplicably drawn to another person. It isn't finding someone whom you can escape reality with, but finding someone who makes reality worthwhile."


"Take it easy mom!" I scream at my mother in the kitchen. She insisted on cooking for us. She's been out of the hospital for a month now.
I watched her moving throughout the kitchen. She just seemed so content being home. She seemed thankful to be able to do this things she's loved again.

Life has a funny way of allowing everything to fall into place. I left the diner to take care of my mother during her recovery. My boss was so understanding he even offered to take me back after she was settled.

My savings were nearly gone and my hopes at owing my own restaurant were starting to slip away, but I have never been happier. My mother was well on her way back to healthy and no amount of money could offer me what my family could.

Audrey had been staying with us. She left throughout the day for business and to handle her real estate projects but she always came back. There was something different about her this last month. She seemed happier and more confident in who she was. Her blissfully blue eyes held something else in them now. Perhaps the pain from her past was finally subsiding. Maybe she just felt the same happiness I did. For the first time in my short life everything seemed to finally make sense.

There comes a point in life when you realize what actually matters. We focus so much time and energy on our money, jobs and hatred that we overlook the good.

Definitely not anymore.

Audrey had purchased a restaurant. My mother let it slip a week ago while she was folding towels. At first, I was a whole new level of angry. We didn't speak for a few days and I refused to tell her why. I didn't want her upset with my mother for letting it slip so instead I blamed my anger on my period.

It took me some time to wrap my head around it. Why the hell would she do something like so extravagant like that? So I did what I did best and I read way to much into it until I calmed myself down.

The truth was she did it because she loves me.

I felt a smile appear on my face. We get so used to being treated badly that when someone good happens we go on the defensive. But the truth is, people who love you do things like this. The buy you things, support your dreams, encourage you to be better, all without asking for something in return.

That's what real love is. It's being selfless, patient, kind, supportive, and being emotionally available for your partner. But most importantly, it's being able to forgive because as humans we are not perfect. we make a lot of mistakes 

Audrey made a lot of mistakes. I mean she bought me a fucking restaurant and had no intentions of telling me about it until it was finished but, that's there where the patients came into to play. Everything she did is because she loves me.

"Look at that smile you have honey." My mother spoke as she rinsed some dishes in the sink." I told you she was a keeper."

"Yes you did." I chuckled as I stood. "Why don't you let me finish this mom. Go get some rest."

My mother huffed, she didn't like being treated like a child but her health had to come before her pride.

"I'm going to be working for you soon but, don't get used to telling me what to do Emmy. I'm still your mother after all." My mother sat at the dinette while I picked up where she left off.

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