Falling Down. Part 1.

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I couldn't wait to tell my mother. I rushed into the house and called for her immediately.

"Mom!" I screamed allowing my voice carry through the house.

Excitement flowed through my veins filling me with energy. The hangover was lingering like an old bruise, clearly there but less painful thanks to the dopamine Audrey had provided. The thought of our upcoming date monopolized my mind and filled me with happiness. I couldn't wait to tell my mother. She had wanted us to fix things from the moment I left her.

"Mom!" I yelled again. This time into the poorly lit hallway. "Where are you? I spoke to Audrey!"

My legs made their way to her bedroom it was already 1 in the afternoon. She shouldn't still be asleep.

When I entered my eyes scanned the room. I noticed the bed was still undone. The blankets were pushed to the side as if she had left the bed and never returned. It was unlike her to be unkept. Cleanliness was one of her natural material traits.

A small part of my mind began to panic. Logic tried to reason with the panic plagued portion as my eyes scanned the room further. Her cellphone still sat on the end table plugged into it's charger from the night before.

"Mom," I spoke just above a whisper.

Something was wrong.

It's a feeling everyone experiences once but no one fully understands. A deep routed intuition. When your conscious is screaming at you internally and you can't figure out why. You just know something isn't right.

"Where are you mom." I walked briskly through the living room and the kitchen only to find nothing. In a panic I walked back outside hoping her car was gone and I was just over reacting.

My stomach turned at I spotted my mother's Lincoln parked in the driveway. I had walked right by it on my way in completely oblivious to its existence.

Across the street from me was a friend of my mother's, Mr. Walter. He must have noticed me standing outside because he was walking towards me. For as long as I could remember, Mr. Walter was a happy guy. He was the kind of neighbor that always did the right thing; if it snowed he helped out shoveling. If your hands were full he would carry in groceries. My mother was very fond of him and they grew extremely close after my father passed.

I met him half way hoping he would offer some relief to my panicked mind.

"Mr. Walter." My eyes found his as he continued to walk towards me.

"Emma, your mom." His words created a spark in my chest. My heart begun pounding as if it was trying to beat its way out of my body. "The ambulance took her."

"W-what?" My voice broke. "What h-happened?"

I felt my knees buckling underneath me, and for a brief second I thought my heart had completely stopped. My face burned from the blood that had flushed to it.

"She was having trouble breathing so I called her an ambulance. She's at the county hospital. Can I call someone for you?"

"No. I'm going now please just watch the house."

Mr. Walter nodded and I ran back to the house. My mind was racing of the horrible possibilities. I couldn't loose her too. Not my mother.

On the table in the small foyer I found my keys. When I grabbed the they fumbled from my hands and dropped to the floor. My palms were sweating and my once steady hands now held a visible tremble.

"Fuck!" I screamed out of sheer frustration.

Subconsciously I found myself looking up to the ceiling at whatever God resided in the sky.

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