2- Kendra's POV

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After lunch, I calmly walk to my class because I'm always early while everyone is running, especially Victoria. I don't know how she is always late but not my problem.

While walking down the hallway, I see Brandon at his locker. Since he is becoming friends with Anna, maybe I can talk to him.

I walk to him and say, "Hey Brandon. How's it going?"

"I'm fine. Just busy."

"Ok, well how is the new girl, Anna."

He starts to smile and says, "Oh she is super nice and funny. She just moved from Canada because of her parents. You should get to know her."

"I will indeed."

I arrived in my favorite class, English, and saw no one in the classroom except for the teacher, Mrs. Smith.

I decided to sit in the back and took out my book while the class started to fill.

I was ignoring everyone until someone tapped me on the shoulder.

I looked up annoyingly since no one...I mean NO ONE interrupts my reading. I swear if it's Ben I'm gonna...Anna? The new girl?

She has long-light brown hair with hazel eyes and light skin. She's kinda shorter than me but not by much and is wearing a cute crop-top that has a unicorn on it and some black leggings. She has a little bit of mascara on and her shoes are converse.

She looks at me happily and says, "Is it ok for me to sit here? I literally have no where to sit."

She seems so happy and nice that I couldn't say no.
I say, "Sure, go ahead. By the way, I'm Kendra."

"Hi I'm Anna. I'm new here and I moved from Canada.

"That's cool. Why did you move?" Even though I know the answer, I still want her to believe I don't know who she is.

"My parents got a new job. Besides, I need new friends. All I have is Brandon to talk too. I've been out of the blue lately."

"Oh, well I can show you around the school for a little bit.

"Really? You would do that for me? Omg thank you SO much! Here, put your phone number in my phone and maybe we can talk later."

Omg, I have her phone in my possession. I totally forgot about our plan. This is my chance.

I take out my laptop and put the tracker...maybe I don't have to do this. She seems too nice and innocent to be a spy. She even said she has been out of blue, which means she doesn't know what is going on. Besides, she does seem like a really good friend.

I just hope that I can convince the boys and Victoria that Anna is not a spy and a friend. I HOPE I'm doing the right thing.

I put my laptop away and put my number in Anna's phone. I give it back to her as soon as class starts.


That was an easy lesson. Mrs. Smith taught us about pronouns and adjective, which is pretty easy so no payed too much attention.

Anna and I just talked to get to know each other. I learned that she was from New Jersey and has 2 sisters, 1 older sister and 1 younger sister. Must suck to be the middle child. Luckily for me, I'm an only child.

At the end of class, we end up with a worksheet of pronouns and adjectives for homework. Not too hard so I'm ok with that.

Before I meet everyone at the house, I showed Anna around the school. She really doesn't know where everything is. I think Brandon helped her.

We walked around the school, talking until we found Brandon. I also learned that they live near each other, so Brandon took her home.

We say our good byes to each other and head separate directions. I walk to the bus stop and take the bus to Victoria's house.

Please don't make me regret not putting the tracker on her phone.

I know it's a short chapter but it will do. Also, I have many grammar mistakes so don't complain. Just a warning, other chapters will also be short so I'll try my best to make it longer. NO PROMISES

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