6- Switch up

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Victoria's POV

Once we all got to school, we decided to "chat" with our victims.

While I was walking in, I accidentally bumped into someone. That someone was Riley. She is one of the popular girls and is really mean to others. She thinks she can run the school and tell everyone what to do.

Once again, I'm in science class with Liliana. Mr. Tony says, "Your assignment today is a heart worksheet. Complete it with a partner."

After he said that, I quickly went to Liliana to be partners. She looked at me suspiciously and eventually said yes.

We got 2 seats at the back of his classroom and started the worksheet. She is pretty smart so we got the worksheet done in less than 5 minutes. Then, we started talking about her life.

Liliana says, "My mom is really good at technology and she tries to teach me but I always fail."

"Where is your mom right now."

"She has a real job and works for Google to fix any problems. Yesterday, she told me at the house that they were having the biggest problem yet and had to stay till midnight. Also, did you hear about the news? My mom told me that someone hacked into google and caused the problems. Who do you think would do that?"

The bell rang so I we turned in our worksheets and I ran out the door to tell someone the info I got.

Kendra's POV

I'm now in History class with Zachary. Seriously, this kid need help. He can be SO dumb sometimes. What's up with him being loud?

So right now, I'm taking notes and all of a sudden, I hear beeping noise coming from his direction.

He looks at his phone and his eyes widen. He silently looks at Mr. William, who has his back facing us, and makes his way our the door.

Me, being the person I am, silently walk toward the door but someone says, "Mr. William, Kendra is trying to escape class."

I look at the person who said that and see that it's one of Riley's minions, Tiffany.

She acts just the way Riley acts. She thinks that she can doing anything because she is best friends with Riley. Stupid.

And ladies and gentlemen, that's how I landed myself in after school detention.

But I'm still wondering, what was on Zachary's phone that made him leave from class?

Josh's POV

Why. Just why. Right now I'm in gym class and coach is making us run 4 laps around the field. What did I do wrong?!

So anyways, here I am running alone at a very slow pace while everyone is running faster. Well, I thought I was alone but someone ran up beside me.

"Good, I'm not the only slow runner here. Hi I'm Anna."

Anna? She's in my gym class?

"Hi I'm Joshua but you can call me Josh. Are you a new kid?"

"Um yeah, i just moved from Canada."

"Oh, that's cool. Are you friends with Kendra?"

"Yeah actually. She showed my around the school yesterday. It really helped since I didn't know where all the classrooms were."

After running 4 laps, we had to stretch. She's VERY flexible.

"That's *gasps that's nice."

"You're really out of shape. Do you run?"

"Does it look like I'm a runner. No, that's Vicky."

"Who's Vicky?"

"She's a friend of mine and Kendra."

"Can I meet her? I'm still looking for more friends."

"Um yeah sure."

Brandon walk up to us. Wait, when was he in this class?"

Brandon says, "Hey guys! How's it going?"

Anna- "It's good. I gotta use the bathroom real quick. I'll be right back."

Me- "So Brandon, how is it being friends with Anna?"

"She's energetic and nice. She should get to know her."

"Is she trustworthy?"

"I mean, yeah, but..."

The bell rang which made him run off. What was he going to say? Is Anna trustworthy or is she hiding something?

Matthew's POV

So, now I'm in English and let me tell you, I'm SO bad at it. This is one of my least favorite subjects. How is this Kendra's favorite?

So we are doing a group project with 4 people in a group. Me being the person, I decide to ask Owen to be in my group.

Owen and I are actually really good friends and he's cool to be around.

I walked up to him and we started to do our hand shake. Yes, we have a hand shake.

He accepted my offer in being in my groups but now, we need one more person.  Next thing I know, I hear 2 voices calling Owen's name.

Those voices were the one and only, Heather and Savannah.

Heather is also another one of Riley's minions but doesn't make fun of other and tells people what to do. But, when her friends are making fun of someone, she just stands there.

Savannah can be nice sometimes but is WAY TOO obsessed with her look. She thinks that she and her friends are the prettiest people IN THE WORLD. And like she basically cakes her face, and she's only in 8th grade! She also pays SO MUCH money for her outfits. Imagine what it would be like in high school!

Heather and Savannah walks to Owen and puts their hand on each of his shoulders. Ew.

Heather says, "Hey Owen. Can we be in your group?"

Savannah- "Yeah we would love to work with you."

Owen- "Sure, you can join me and Matthew."

They both glares at me then smiles. Fake. All fake.

Mrs. Smith says, "Okay students, your assignment it make a skit about what you learned about pronouns and adjectives. Make sentences and act them out."

Great, acting in English. This is supposed to be like reading stuff and now we are acting!! America, EXPLAIN! Oh no, I'm rubbing off of Josh. That's bad.

Heather- "So Owen, we should go to your house." Savannah nods.

Owen- "Um not at my house. I have to go...somewhere after school."

Me- "Where are you going?"

Owen-"None of your business."

Heather and Savannah eyes both of us suspiciously then smirks at each other.

The bells rings, "You have time to finish on another day."

What does Owen do after school?

...wait to find out. Tell me your opinions and be honest.

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