3- Boys' POV

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After lunch- Josh's POV

Great! :( 
Now I have to get Zachary's device without him looking and put a tracker on it. Just wonderful (note sarcasm) Why me!? Assigned to the popular dude, are you kidding!

I bang my head on the lockers really loudly that everyone just starts staring. Do they know that staring is rude? Turn your head around!

I open my locker to get my books out and slam it close. But once I slam it, I see Matthew's face pop up. Why is HE smiling? He says, "Josh, you need to chill."

"How can I "chill" if I get the hard one? America, EXPLAIN!"

"Look, I have a plan and you need to help me out."

The bell rang and we both quickly ran to History class. Yes, we have the same class together.

Matthew's POV

Once Josh and I walk in History, I sat with some of my other friends while Josh sat with his. But we were still sitting together. Yes, we have other friends too you know.

Anyways while we were all talking, the door opened to see Owen and one boy I don't recognize.

Owen has dirt blond hair that looks nice but messy at the same time. He has green/brown eyes (I really don't know) and looks about 5 foot, maybe. It looks like he is holding a laptop.

The other boy is a different story. He has black hair that has LOTS of gel and hazel eyes (again, I'm not sure). He is wearing a hoodie with some vans on and headphones around his neck.

Our teacher, Mr. William, says, "Ah the new kids, welcome to history. I'm Mr. William. What your name?"


"Uhh I'm Zachary but call me Zach"

Oh!! That's Zachary. Now I know why he became popular.

They both took separate direction of the class, Zach on my side and Owen of Josh's side. Good.

Mr. William starts teaching and man, so HARD. So much about the past, why not the present? My brain is hurting right now!

Luckily, Mr. Williams got a phone call and was needed somewhere so he had to leave us for a little bit. FINALLY!! NO MORE HISTORY!!

Josh says, "Matthew, we all heard that."

Oops. Did I say that out loud?

Everyone answers, "Yep" and starts talking to their friends.

I whisper to Josh, "Ok, I'm going to talk to..." I was interrupted by a conversation between Zach and Owen. Josh says loudly, "What?!" I shush him and listen to the conversation.

Zachary- "So what sport do you play?"

Owen- "I play soccer. I moved here because of my dad and bad grades. I couldn't play any sports over there."

Zachary- "Yeah dude, I do karate and have a black belt. I also did this prank on the principal right now and I hope it worked."

Owen- "What prank was it because I did one too?"

Zachary- "I put a bubble machine in her office so it will be bubbly. What did you do?"

Owen- "Dude, I put an itch powder in her lotion that I found in her bag."

Zachary- "Yo, we're the prank brothers!!!! Let's post it on my instagram." (They took a *gangster like picture and post it)

Zachary- "Bro, it's getting so many likes already!"

Josh's POV

Man, that conversation was interesting. And what's up with Zachary being so loud? I mean, we're in the same room. Matthew and I just look at each other and back at them. Those people are CRAZY!

We have an awkward silence for a moment before I say, "So...now what?" Matthew replies,

"Well, now we know a little about them but we still need to get those trackers."

I take out my laptop and start playing with it. Little did I know, I see someone on the same server as me. I tell Matthew to come take look at the name. Little did I know, we see the name Owen on the screen.

What?! How did he get on the same server as me. This is a VERY rare server that only the "experienced" people go on.

We look over to see Owen on his computer, typing away while Zach is looking over his shoulder. Zach says to Owen, "Dude, I don't know what you are doing but it's so complex. I'm NOT a techy person like you are." That explains a lot.

I try to look at Matthew but I don't see him anywhere. I scan the room and see Matthew in Owen's backpack putting the tracker in his phone.

When Owen looks back, Matthew stops what he is doing and starts talking to him. Looks like they're good friends. I soon see them exchanging numbers.

I look over at Zach and see that he left his phone visible on his desk. I quickly run over to the desk and put the tracker on it.

But little did I know, I feel a tug by my shirt pulling me backwards. I fall on my butt and looked up to see Zach glaring.

He yells, "What were you doing with my phone! No one can touch me phone!" He's way Too protective.

Before I could say anything, Owen says, "Zach, come check this out. It's sooo cool."

Zach looks at Owen and walks to his computer. Next thing you know, he's smiling. What a mood change.

Matthew walks to me and whispers, "Were you able to put it on?" I'm not fully sure since I was pulled halfway through.

I open my laptop and look at my tracker record. Moment of truth...it worked!!! I put it on before he stopped me!! Yess! That was my fastest time I ever put a tracker on something.

Soon later, Mr. William comes back and teaches for a little while and dismissed us for the end of the day.

Matthew walks while I get on my bike and we both head to Victoria's house.

This was a hard chapter to write so if you get confused, I apologize.

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