CHAPTER 20: Sir Alpha King

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"Hey Princess." I reply with a smile to my daughter as we embrace in a hug with each other. 

"It's good to see you dad." she says. 

"It's good to see you guys too." I reply before looking over at Midnight.

She's so beautiful and I know is perfect for my son. I've been keeping a close eye on them both for a while now and she is a very strong wolf. 

"Hello, Alpha King." She bows. 

"Please, no need to call me that. You can call me Patrick." I smile at her while holding out my hand. 

She looks at me surprised and then shakes my hand. 

"Okay. I'll try and remember that." She tells me. 

"Good." I smirk. "Now, I suppose you would like a tour?" I suggest. 

"Uh, yeah. That would be great." She smiles. 

"Follow me." I gesture with my hand and we begin walking towards the dining hall first while Stella went upstairs to check on Zane.

While showing her around, we had shared more of an awkward silence. So I decided to take her to the study to talk with her a little bit. 

After taking a seat across from each other on the sofas by the fireplace, I asked her if she wanted something to drink or anything. 

"No thanks." She replied. 

"Are you alright?" I asked her as I noticed her feeling nervous. 

"Yeah. It's just that I never thought I would ever meet you. Not to mention being my boyfriend's dad and then having to meet you like this." She says while fidgeting with her hands on her lap. 

"Please don't look to me as the Alpha King. Putting the title aside I am nothing more than an Alpha of a great pack that has raised two amazing kids." I smirk. 

"You did a great job, by the way." She comments. 

"Thank you but, I know I haven't done nearly as good as their mother could have." I tell her. 

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to her?"

"Stella was too young to remember anything about that day but Zane remembers every single moment of that day. Him and his mother were returning from training in the woods and on their way back, a pack of vicious rogues came out from nowhere and started to attack. Zane's mother tried to protect him but he wouldn't allow that. He tried fighting them all himself but, just wasn't strong enough yet to handle rogues like them. He went after the Alpha and when the Alpha pinned him down and clawed deeply at his chest. Right after he yelped in pain he looked over and saw his mother being torn apart and ripped in shreds." I struggle towards the end. 

"Oh my god." I hear her say under her breath. 

"By the time me and my pack got there, it was too late. And ever since that day, Zane has been blaming himself for her death when really it was my fault for not being there sooner." I look over at the fireplace while feeling ashamed of myself. 

"So that's where he got it from."

"Yeah. He has become a greater Alpha than me and I know will be better at me as King one day. But, he can't stop blaming himself for that day and he hasn't been able to control his anger. Well, except for when he met you. You seem to have changed my son." I smile at her with admiration. 

"No. I haven't done anything but bring pain to him." She shakes her head and avoids eye contact with me. 

"That's not what Stella's been telling me." I tell her. 

"You're son is on the verge of dying because of me. Because of my father and brother." She says as she tries to wipe a tear from her eyes before looking at me. 

"You don't need to apologize for them. Their fate will catch up with them very soon." I assure her. 

"What do you mean?" She asks confused. 

"Let's just say that I've been keeping a close eye on your father for a while."

"You have?" 

"Why else do you think those wolves that helped you had come so quickly?" I smirked at her. 

"You sent them?" 

"Yes. They didn't get there sooner than I had hoped but, they got there."

We both then share a brief moment of silence before I hear her ask me something I knew she would eventually. 

"How did you know my father?" 

"To tell you the truth, we used to all be close friends before you and your brother were born. Your mother and father were both amazing people. In fact, your father was the first Beta of my pack. We were like brothers. Then after my father died and I was crowned the new Alpha King, something happened. He lost it. So both your parents left and refused to talk to me or my wife. That was until my wife died." I paused to try not to choke up and fight back tears before continuing. 

"A few months afterwards, your mother came to me asking if I would do something that was against the code of law. When I tried to explain to her what all was involved, she left hurt and angry. I tried to go after her but I couldn't. Then I found out almost a few months after she had left, she was attacked by a pack of rogues...." I pause for a moment as I feel bad for what I'm about to tell her. "Or at least that's what we all thought until I found out that they were members of your father's new pack." 


"Your mother's death wasn't an accident. Your father sent members of his pack to kill her. He couldn't trust her anymore and knew why she came to me." 

"What did she ask?" 

"She asked if I would have your father locked away for abusing her especially while pregnant with you. Which I wanted to help but, even as King, I still have the elders to ask for permission from in order to do things and she feared she didn't have much time left. I even offered her to stay with us but she was too afraid of what might happen to me and Zane." I try and explain to her. 

I look at her and see that she looks upset? Angry even? To be honest, it's hard to read her facial expression seeing as to how she's barely looking at me. 

"That son-of-a-bitch." I hear her say under her breath. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Next chapter is gonna be interesting. 

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