CHAPTER 31: Before It's Too Late.....

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After fighting and killing a few, I notice out the corner of my eye both my father's wolf and the Alpha King's father's wolf were going at one another and I could tell that they were both badly injured. 

I really wish that Fern was here but I can't mind-link her and I'm not sure if she ran away or went off hiding at the castle so that she wouldn't be taken with us. Which I don't blame her. 

I look over and notice my father is about to pounce onto Zane's dad as I notice him already struggling to try and crawl away. So I interfere by pouncing on my father's back, causing him to howl in pain as I begin biting down hard onto his neck while clawing deep slashes into his body, causing him to become weak quickly and not able to fight back until he finally collapses onto the floor, dead. I pant as I look at his lifeless body and don't feel an ounce of sadness or guilt for killing him. If anything, I feel I did our kind a favor. 

I then look over at Zane's father as his wolf is lying down, slowly breathing. As I walk over beside him, I start nudging him with my nose. 

"Thank you." He mind-links me in a weak voice. 

"I'm so sorry. I can try and heal you." I tell him. 

"No, you can't. It's too late." He says through breaths. 

"No it's not. Just let me shift into my human form and...." I stop as he interrupts me. 

"Please, you must take care of yourself and my son. You need to tend to your wounds." He says to me. 

I suddenly realize what he's talking about. My father and the venom he had in his blood system. When I bit him, I got his blood in my mouth. Suddenly, I start to feel lethargic and fall into the darkness that immediately takes over me. 

When I open my eyes, I'm in the woods and notice Zane is standing several feet away from me and is standing while looking at me with so much guilt.

"Baby?" I smile in relief to see him and see that he's okay while I begin getting up off the ground. 

"I'm so sorry." He says. 

"There's nothing to be sorry for. My father's dead now. Everything will be better." I begin telling him as I start walking towards him. However, something is wrong as I notice he's backing up.

"Don't come near me, Midnight." He says while holding up his hand. 

"What's wrong?" I ask concerned as I stop walking. 

"This was never meant to be. It's all my fault that you have the venom inside of you. I was supposed to fucking protect you and I couldn't. Just like I couldn't protect my mother. I love you Midnight, you'll always be my Luna and will always have my heart. But I need to do what's best for the both of us." He says with tears and then turns around and walks towards a nearby cliff and steps out to where he falls and hits the sharp rocks below. 

I tried running towards him to stop him from jumping, but it was too late. I looked down below at his body bent back over the rocks with blood coming out of his mouth and body. 

How could he do that? How could he give up? Why wouldn't he let me explain? I ask myself these questions as I break down, sobbing while feeling the worst pain I have ever felt in my life coming from deep inside where my heart is. 

"Now do you see?" I hear a soft, gentle, kind and calm voice. 

I look up and see a woman with long dark braided hair that went down to the ground, wearing baby's breath in her hair and walking towards me with her light blue robe flowing in the light breeze......It's the Moon Goddess. 

"See what? See that I just lost my mate? Where the hell do you get off?! Forgive me Moon Goddess but you sure have a sick and twisted mind to put people through the things they go through." I tell her with disgust.

"I know you can't see the purpose of all this yet, but you needed to see just how much he loves you." She tells me.

"What? I already knew he did." I tell her feeling irritated now. 

"No, you didn't. You never accepted him loving you. You just convinced yourself that you did until you finally believed it. But you still think that you don't deserve happiness. Nor does he. In order to truly love someone, you must put in nothing less but your whole heart. Otherwise, neither one of you will never accept the true happiness you both could feel forever. You are both strong and have been through so much that if you both continue to live in the past, then you will slowly kill yourselves. You both will loose your faith and trust. You need to agree that what you've been through in the past does not need to dictate by taking over your future."

"I don't understand. Why did he kill himself?" I cry out to her. 

"He didn't. At least not yet. Right now you are in a place where you must decide if you wish to go back and see what life could be with him and try to save him, or if you wish to give up and see your mother on the other side." She tells me. 

"I can't believe this is happening." I start shaking my head 'no' to myself in disbelief. 

"It is. And the sooner you realize and accept that your past is nothing you can fix, change or control, the better. The present, however, you can. But it is up to you to decide if rather or not you are willing to let go and move on." She smiles at me and she turns to start walking away. 

"Wait." I tell her. "I'm scared of letting go of the past. I'm so afraid that I'm not meant to have a great and happy life. There are so many others that are more suitable for him and his lifestyle of royalty." I confess to her. 

"I know. But as long as you both love each other, everything else will begin to fall into place. As long as you let go and forgive. And do remember that I do not make mistakes." She finishes and then she disappears. 

I stand there for a moment and a gust of wind blows towards me and I hear Zane's voice along with Kobey, Stella and a few others' voices faintly. 

I start running towards their voices in hopes that I will make it back to my body and wake up because there's no doubt in my mind that I want to be with Zane, I just hope I make it in time to wake up before it's too late. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

I hope she makes it back in time before the pack doctor pronounces her dead. :(

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