Chapter Eight

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"Your friend was definitely right about this place, huh?" Brody said, licking his fingers from the dirty fries he's been eating.

"Yeah, this is good," I replied, taking a bite out of my cheeseburger, Brody had the same as except I picked nachos instead of fries.

"So tiger, this Kian, huh?" Brody asked, I coughed, choking on my Fanta. "Excuse me?, no, we are just friends. I've just met them, and I certainly have no interest in them nor in dating. " I spoke in one breath.

"I see. He's kinda a good-looking boy, though, and not to mention what's his name? Levi? He seems like the sort of bad boy type you may be interested in, huh? " he chuckled.


If I'm honest, it's always kind of hard to lie to Brody or hide things from him. He always expected something or found out, and he was always there for me whenever I needed him even on the times when things were so bad.

Only one who believes me.

"Brods, no Jesus get off my ass on the boys, will you?" I tried laughing it off.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry, I just want to stay up to date with you, that's all, but I do apologise to dampen the mood right now... but dad spoke to me earlier about Mum.. about the whole event the other day. Has she ever done this before.. hit y-".

"No, drop it. I don't care, I hate her. I wish she stayed back or .. I don't know. She just always has it out for me, and I'm so sick of it, " I groaned.

"I'm going to be here for a while now, I could even try use this place as my new subject maybe but hey the point is I'm going to be here a while so we will get through this and it will get better I promise tiger I do" He reached for my hand and held it tight.

"Your hands are slimy from those fries." I swatted his hand from mine as we laughed.


We eventually headed home as it was getting late. When I got in the house, I noticed our parents were sitting in the dining room at the table.

Here we go.

Brody put his hand on my shoulder and gave a small, comforting squeeze to say it's going to be okay, but I knew deep down it wasn't going to be. But I couldn't help but wonder if he knew about this?.

"We are home" He chirped with a half-hearted smile.

"Your mother would like to say something to Saphire, isn't that right hun?" My father chipped at my mother.

"Right, so um, I understand my actions weren't the right ones, and I'm sorry, darling, okay? It won't happen again, " she said through her teeth with a smile.

Lair.. she's not sorry, and I knew that with the way she looked at me and how she said it. But then once again Brody's hand on my shoulder, which I know he's indicating to me to make the right choice, which I listened.

"Sure, thank you, goodnight, everyone." I spoke quickly as I turned my heel and walked quickly to my room. I get dressed into my pj shorts and vest top and just flop into bed and check on my phone.

3 New Messages.

~Hey you, how are you?
~How'd the evening go with your brother?
~Don't tell me you're already asleep...

~So you want to disturb my sleep huh? And it went great. We went to the Moore's pub that Kian suggested earlier.

~ Sorry darling ;) he did? good choice of food :)

~ Cringe.. I'm going to try and sleep soon so I'll see you tomorrow.. also, Brody is giving me a lift tomorrow if you guys want to jump in :) Night x

~ Damn, she sent me a kiss I'm getting shy ;) also I'm taking Kian and Spencer in tomorrow but thanks for the offer but i'll bring you home as we are hanging out after college, night chick xx


Thankfully, I actually had a peaceful night's sleep, but I got rudely woken up by someone slapping me with a pillow.. "wakey wakey tiger rise and shine," Brody sung.

"Ugh my alarm hasn't gone off yet what the fuck, are you on crack or what, what time is it?" I spoke with my head in my blanket.

"Get up and find out, kidding it's only ten minutes early than your alarm but I don't exactly know where i'm going so we need to go a bit early also I've forgot to mention I've made you breakfast dickhead so up up up and get your little ass downstairs" He laughed slapping me one last time with the pillow.

It's illegal to be woken up before your alarm...right?.. and I don't eat breakfast. I sacrifice that to have extra time in bed. I eventually dragged myself out of bed before my brother came back up to throw water on me or god knows what but I was making sure I was getting ready quickly and headed downstairs.

"What's for breakfast, then shit face it better be good," I asked, sniffing the air.

"Sausage bacon and double cheese muffin, no fat on the bacon either, just how you like it with a side of two hash browns, so who's the best person in the world?" he chuckled, giving me my breakfast .

"Of course it's always you, thank you so much, I guess I can forgive you for waking me up before my alarm." I laughed, taking a bit out of my breakfast.

Brody always cooked great food. I'm surprised he never became a chef so he could become my personal chef... kidding. I remember when he first started to cook, he burnt everything. I remember the day he burnt the pizza we took ages to make, almost setting the kitchen on fire, and I'll never let him live that down ever.

"You ready, tiger?" Brody asked, getting his shoes on. I nodded and eventually followed him out the door. "Your friends need a ride?"

"No, I spoke to Levi last night, but he said he will drop me home as we are all going out after, apparently," I answered, putting my seatbelt on.

"Oh yeah, Levi, is it," he joked, giving me the wiggly eyebrows.

"Shut up, I told you no," I replied, punching his arm.


I finally arrived at college, and Levi was waiting for the steps, alone, which made me sigh as I couldn't figure him out. We don't have classes together and I have English Lit with Spencer now.

"I see he's waiting for you. Where's the other's tiger?" Brody nudged me.

"Ugh, stop, I don't know class, maybe, bye Brody," I answered, rushing out of the car as Levi started to walk towards me, chucking the last of his cigarette on the floor.

"Hey you," he said.

"Hey, where are the others?" I asked.

He coughed out a laugh "wow ouch I see you have a favourite that a guy isn't talking about me the way he does about you" Spencer giggled, giving me a nudge.

I laughed at her words, shaking my head, not allowing them to run through my mind. He couldn't feel that way he shouldn't. We had agreed that the other night was just a silly drunk mistake.


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