Chapter 8

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Alice's POV

Shock is not the right word to describe my feeling right now. I am more than shock. Clyde is kissing me infront of my staff and my customers, for real!
I tried to get away from him but he's just too strong. After almost two minutes he let me go from his embrace. I can feel my blood rushing up my face.
I look around my botique just to see all the people inside looking at us.

"Hey, what took you so long-"
Calvin was not able to finish his statement after seeing Clyde. "Oh hey dude,what's up!" he says as a greeting.
"I should be the one to ask you that right? Besides you are at my wife's botique," he answered that make me gasp.

"Oh right. Well I'm here to accompany her, I'm just beeing nice here who wants to help a friend," Calvin says as an answer.
Before Clyde will say anything else, we heard Faye's voice. "Hey lovers, what took you so long?" she asked.
"Lovers?" Clyde asked as he exchange looks between me and Calvin.
Faye's eyes widened as she saw Clyde standing just right infront of me. "Oh no, I mean - oh just forget about that," she answered.
I can hear my customers whispers now. That's my cue to invite my husband and my friends to enter my office. I don't want my customers to talk about my personal life. Though my life is not a secret, I still need some privacy. And from what I observe and from the tension I sense, I could say that this could be a good scope for today or tomorrows news.
"I thought you're not- oh nice to see you here dude!" Luke says.
Luke is now giving me that what-is-he-doing-here look. I just shrugged my shoulder. Clyde is now sitted at an empty chair while my friends are looking at each other.
"Why are you here by the way?" I asked Clyde who is now looking at me.
"Am I banned here?" he answered.
"No but," I say before releasing a breath.
"But what?"
"You won't be here without any reason, come on tell me," I said.

There was a long silent before Luke butt in. "Calvin, I think it's time for us to go, Clyde might have important thing to tell you"
Calvin and Faye just nodded as an agreement. After saying goodbye they left.
"So, what do you need that you planned to have a visit?" I asked as I sit on my swivel chair.
"Does Calvin always  have time to come here?" instead he asked.
"That's not the answer to my question," I say.
"Same as me." I look into his eyes. I could say that he is really waiting for my answer. "Fine, it's his first time to visit here, I actually don't know why he knows where my botique is."

"Two weeks from now my father is preparing for my special day same day for my fathers plan opening another branch of DG Enterprises"
"Okay," was all my answer.
I actually don't know what to say. And besides I don't have anything to do with that.
"Okay?" he asked raising an eyebrow.
"Well, I don't have anything to do with that so what's the point of telling me?"

His eyes darkened at my answer. "Alice I know that you know you're my wife, your presence is needed there," he said emphasizing every word.
"Okay." I can say that he's pissed off already. "Is that the way you answer your husband?" he says. I can sense anger while saying those words.

"What would you want me to say?"
Instead of answering my question, he stood from his seat and headed for the door. "You should be at the house before eight," he said. I just nodded as answer.

After he left, I busied myself reading those files about my botique and entertaining my customers. I was not able to notice the time. Thanks to Karen that she reminded me about the time.
Calvin was the one who gave me a ride that's why I waited for a cab. When I reach the mansion it was exactly nine in the evening. The lights are off. It's good that I have the duplicate key.
As soon as I am inside the mansion the lights were opened automatically. "You're late," says a voice.
I don't need to guess whose voice is that. It's obvious that it is from none other than my dear husband. "Hey, why are you still awake?" I asked with no emotions at all. I don't know but it seems like all the feelings I have for him just vanished. I don't have the excitement that I felt for him before. 
"Don't change the topic Alice!"
I raised an eyebrow. Why does he care if I comes home late. "Dear husband from the last time I check, you don't care whether -"
I was not able to continue what I'm saying when he move towards me and slap me that hard. I didn't expect that coming. "This is the last time I will remind you that I am your husband and I have the controll over you!" he said.
My tears started to flow down my cheeks. There's no word that came out from my mouth. I bitterly smiled at him and walked upstairs. I know that the day I married him and the time he told me that I'll live like hell, I know that my life will be miserable.
But today is different. This day just reminds me that living under his throne is not good for me. Never in my life that someone slaps me. Even my parents doesn't have the courage to do that kind of thing to me. 
Maybe this is the punishment I need to endure after forcing myself into the situation I'm in right now. I smiled bitterly as that thought covered my mind.
After consuming too much time for my emotions and realizations, I went to my rooms bathroom and fixed myself. I changed my outfit into more comfortable one.
I tried to sleep but everything about my life seems to hunt me. I don't know but I think I need to do something that could get me out of here. And that only thing is to leave the love of my life - no, leave my obsession and give him his freedom. That is what I have in mind before I fall into a deep slumber.

I was awaken by the loud knock coming from my door. When I saw the time my eyes widened. I almost forgot about waking up early. It's already nine  in the morning and I have a meeting with ms. Castro, one of my clients at ten thirty.
When I hear another knock, I get up and headed for my door. There I saw Emily standing giving me that smile that I cannot scratch from her face. "What do you need?" I asked without even looking at her.
I heard her sigh. "Did you have another fight again last night?" she asked. 
"How could you say?"
"I know that look on your face Alice, I may not be youtr mother but watching you everyday, I think I know you more than your husband," she says. 
"And aside from that, Clyde's absence is another proof to that," she added.
I really couldn't hide anything from this woman. She can still predict anything about me.

"What do you need by the way?"
"Well, your friend Faye had just called me a while ago and inform me that your meeting with ms. Castro is moved to eleven," she informed me.
By the way I look at her, I could guess that she has something else to say. "And?" I asked encouraging her to spit whatever she wants to say.
"And someone is waiting for you at the living room"
"And who was it? From what I remember, I am not expecting any visitor today."
"It's miss Ella, if you still remember her," she said trying to look away from me.
There was a bit silence between us. "Okay, tell her to wait for me, I'll be there in five minutes," I say before leaving me.
After making myself comfortable, I went downstairs and saw Ella comfortably sitting at the couch in the living room. "Hey, what can I do for you?" I asked without even giving her a smile or greeting her.
"I'm here to tell you something my dear"
"And that is?"
I can sense that she is tensed right now. I don't know but something is going to happen. "First of, I want to apologize for interfering your life. I know I've brought trouble in your life."

I just nodded encouraging her to continue. "The time I saw you crying because of what I've done, I was reminded about my ex, I hope you will really forgive me," she says. I just nodded at her making her smile.

I don't know but I am even blaming myself for what happened.

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