Chapter 12

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Alice's POV

Today is Clydes special day. After staying at the hospital for a day, I busied myself in preparing for this day. Clyde was also busy yesterday that he didn't have time to know what was happening around him.
Yesterday, I went to his parents house and talked to them. I also had a talk with my friends.


"Surprise visit, I guess," says uncle Ryan before I give him and aunt Crissa  a kiss on the cheek.
"So are you ready for tomorrow?" asked aunt Crissa. I can sense sadness in her voice.
Who wouldn't feel sad when you already knew that your son's wife will be filing a divorce paper?
I smiled at her. I know this is hard for them. They are from a respected family yet here they are dealing with a marriage that doesn't work. "Don't worry sir, I will take all the blame," I assured them.
"No dear daughter, Clyde is responsible for all of this," says her mother.
"No, don't take the blame. This is all my son's fault, if he cannot face the challenge then it means he's not capable of protecting you," says his father.

I know that his parents really care for me. But then, they cannot do anything that can change my mind. The day that I first told them about my plan they tried to convince me not to go with it. They want me to give him a chance. They want to wait for the time that he'll realize my worth.
But when they discovered that Clyde gives Liza the permission to live at the mansion, they are the one who pushes me to continue my plan. They even help me out with it that causes me to have the divorce papers ready before his birthday.
"I guess, this is the last time that I'll be calling you my daughter?" says aunt Crissa.
"You can always call me your daughter," I answered that made her smile.
End of flashback.
While everyone is preparing for the program, I am here preparing my things to leave. Yes, I will be leaving. I will be fulfilling his wish. And I hope by doing this thing, he will find happiness.
I already talked to my friends about this plan. At first they are also convincing me not to do it. But they gave up when they notice that I they cannot stop me from doing what I want. Then I had their side.
The only thing that I didn't tell them is the place where I'll be staying. I don't want anyone to know where I'll be going. Call me selfish but that's the only way for me to forget everything including him.
When everything is ready,  I give a last glance at the room where I spend my day as Clyde's wife. I let out a sad smile when I saw the gift that I'll leave for Clyde. I hope he'll appreciate my gift.

No one is at the mansion. That is why I'm free to do anything I want. After giving my last glance at the mansion, I started the engine and headed to the airport. Maybe this is not the last time I'll step into this country but I'm sure this is the last time that I'll let this country break me.


Clyde's POV
It's been an hour when the party had started. Everyone is already enjoying. I don't know but I feel like something is missing. I can't tell what it is but I can feel it.
I was talking to Mr. Acosta, one of our business partners when his wife suddenly asked me about my wife. And thay literally hit me. Yes, since the party started, I didn't see any sign that my wife has arrive. I almost forgot about her. I was too busy with other girl yesterday. 
You're right, when Alice was hospitalize for a day I tried to convince myself that I love her.  But the time she woke up, I realize that I don't feel anything about her aside from the fact that I'm worried about her. And when she was released I busied myself with another girl but end up leaving her. I don't know but thinking about sleeping with her makes a part of me sick.

"Oh actually she's not feeling well, she was just released the day before yesterday," I answered mrs. Acosta.
"Oh, I hope she'll be alright. Take good care of her while she's still there," she said.
I just nodded as an answer. That was my cue to excuse myself.  When I saw Faye, Luke and Calvin I approach them. "Hey, happy birthday dude, and at the same time congratulations," greets my cousin. After him Calvin and Faye greeted me.
"Uhm, I was just going to ask if where is Alice?" I asked. I saw the way they look at each other after asking that question.
"Alice? Oh I thought you're with her?" says Faye.
I can sense nervousness in her voice. But why does she feel nervous?
I just ignore it. I know, once I ask her even dipper, she'll just lie to me.

The party was successfully done. Everyone enjoyed the party except for the fact that almost everyone is asking about my wife. When I was left alone with my family and friends they give me their presents. I actually don't need any present but I accepted it anyway.

When it's time to part our ways, I headed to where my car is. I started the engine and was ready to go when Luke knock on the car window. "Yep?" I said after I opened it.
"Can we come with you? We want to visit Alice," he said.

I look at them. I saw them looking at me with pleading eyes so I invited them to accompany me.
The ride to my mansion seems to be a burial. No one is saying anything even Faye who is always talking whenever she wants to talk is too quiet.
"Where were you yesterday?" Faye ask.
"Enjoyed someones company," I answered. Actually, I lied. Yesterday, I never enjoyed being with another woman. I don't know why.
"Even if Alice is sick?" she asked.
When I didn't answer her question, Calvin butt in, "Take this as an advice dude, you need to give her your attention if you don't want to lose her"
I just shrugged my shoulder as an answer.

When we reach the mansion, all lights were off. And that's impossible. Alice couldn't sleep when the lights are off. My heart started to beat faster. What if Liza came and did something to her?
"Hey, easy dude!" say Luke when I run to the main door after parking my car.

When we are already inside the mansion, I went straight to Alice room. But I was not able to see her. My eyes flew on her closet. Something is wrong. And my suspicion is right and the empty closet is the proof of it. "Alice we are-"  Faye was not able to continue what she's saying when she saw me standing at Alices closet.
I heard footsteps coming towards us.  I don't need to turn my back and see them to guess who are they.
"She left," it's not a question but a statement.
My attention was then grabbed by the present on the bed. I immediately opened it and saw an expensive watch. But what catches my attention was the paper in it.
When I read the content, I couldn't explain my feeling. I should be happy because I'm free but why do I feel pain.
"What is it?" Faye asked.
"A divorce paper."


Luke's POV

I could see pain on my cousins eyes. I know that by now he is starting to realize how important his wife really is. The gift that was given to him by his ex-wife is the present he wants to have.  Now that the paper is on his hand, I doubt if he still wants to the gift given by Alice. 

I could see pain in his eyes but I think it's the best thing that had happen to him. His a family but for him to suffer because of his own deed is the right punishment he could have.


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