Chapter 30

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Alice's POV

A color white ceiling and a noise welcomed me as I opened my eyes.  Without asking anyone, I know that I'm in a hospital. "You're awake," says Clyde who is sitting beside me.

I tried to say something but I feel pain in my throat. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" he asks.

I nodded as I pointed my throat. He ask Faye to get a glass of water. He waited for me to empty the glass before saying something. "Do you feel any pain?" he asks.

"Yeah, my back," I replied with honesty.  I look around looking for my parents.

"I told them to have a rest," he said as if reading what I'm thinking. I nodded as an answer.

"Do you want something to eat?"

"Yes please."

Clyde stood from the seat and and get a bowl of soup. He feed me that causes Faye to smile sheepishly at the corner.  "Just tell me if I'm disturbing you guys," she said teasingly.

"Yeah, you are. Can you please go out. Don't you have a date today?" says Clyde that made me smile.

"Ops, I forgot. Thank you for remiding me anyway."

Clyde shook his head as he continued feeding me. Faye stayed there for an hour teasing us. I just stayed quiet listening to them.

"Your parents will be here," says Clyde that brought me back to my senses.

"How long did I stay here?"

"A week?"

I look at him trying to find a hint that he's joking. "I'm telling the truth here," he said.

"Did you have any injuries?" I asks out of the blue. He furrowed his brows. His expression changes and a smile was formed on his lips.

"No injuries, I'm fine. Concerned?" he asks teasingly.

I rolled my eyes not to be obvious. "I- I'm just asking"


Silence filled the room. The situation is quite awkward. I shifted my attention towards the door as if it's the most interesting thing.

"Can-" we said in unison. We looked at each other and blurted into laughter.

"Ladies first."

"Why ar- are you here?" I asked. Then, I suddenly remembered Calvin. "And- wh-where is Calvin, how is he?" I added. He is the one who saved me in that room.

"My wife is here. And, Calvin is fine," he replied. I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not your wife, Clyde."

I saw a glint of pain in his eyes. Again, silence comes between us.  If it could kill, I'm definitely  burried six feet under.

"Can you-"
He was not able to finish his sentence when the door flew open. It was my parents. My mom run towards me and hug me.

"Thanks God you're awake!" she said. I hug her back. I smiled to my father who is standing beside Clyde.
I saw how my father look towards Clyde direction. He tapped his shoulder as if something is going on.

My mother only releases me when my father told her to let me go. The room was filled with laughter the next hours.

It was already getting late when a doctor come to check me. She informed us that I can be released the next day. 

********* ******* *******

It's been two weeks since I was released from the hospital. My parents prepared a thanks giving party for me. They invited all those who are close to us including Clyde's parents. "Hey!" says someone from behind. It was Clyde.

Since the day I came out from the hospital, he's been coming over to visit me. He spend more time to be here than his office.

"You zoned out. You don't want to burn the kitchen or the whole house," he added.

I just smiled as an answer. "No office work?" I asks as I turned the stove off.

He leaned on the counter and watch my every move. "Can I have a talk with you"

"We're already talking"

"I know, yeah- I mean talk about - about us"

I meet his gaze. We held each others eyes. He was about to say something when I suddenly smiled at him.

I ushered him towards the living room. Lucky him, my parents are out for today. "What about us?" I asks.

"Can- can we start again?"

I furrowed an eyebrow. "Start over again?" I repeated his words. He nodded as a response.
"Clyde you know the reason why we ended up like this right? You ignored me, you hurt me. Now tell me, do you have the right to be given a chance?" I added. He bowed down. I saw a drop of tear fell on his hand.

I look at another direction holding my tears when he talked. "I'm sorry. You're right. I don't deserve anything from you, or a chance. But, I will never give up and stop saying sorry," he said as he stood up from his seat and tried to walk towards me.

I raised my hand to stop him. A part of me wants to actually give him a chance but thinking about those days that he cheated on me visibly makes me want to kill him. I don't even know if I'm still in love with him or I'm just being moved by his action.

"I don't know Clyde," I replied making him nod.

"I understand. And, I'm willing to wait for your answer."

"And, I hope, whatever my decision is, you'll accept it," I replied making him smile.

"Of course. Anyway, I'll be going somewhere and I hope that will give you enough time to think about it," he replied.

"Still going to Italy?" I asked.

"Uhm, yeah."

"How long?" I asked again.

"I don't know. Maybe when I successfully fix everything," he replied making me nod.

Maybe, not seeing him will help me decide what to really do.

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