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"There's no way in hell I'm letting you guys keep her awake during a procedure-" "kathy, she won't even be fully awake" I exhaled, us all speaking in quiet tones due to Vanessa being asleep on the couch one room away.

"We'll give her something to make her feel good before she goes in, and then we numb her up- which is basically using a different form of an epidural, and then she gets some more relaxer and a muscle relaxer, we do he spinal tap and within fifteen minutes she's done, and it'll be so much easier on her body than completely putting her under" Calum explained to her slowly.

"You think she's going to want to stay in a room full of guys- half dressed and drugged?" She shot at us.

"One step ahead of you" michael spoke.

"I'm going to request all female nurses and interns, the only males in the room will be Calum and I unless she specifically asks for someone like Luke or Ashton." Michael smiled out, making Kathy relax slightly.

"She won't feel anything?" She asked.

"From the second that the numbing needle breaks her skin she won't feel us touching her" Calum spoke.

"And what happens if she has an anxiety attack or she just panics-" "she'll be hooked to heart and blood pressure monitors the whole time, we'll notice an increase and calm her down before she even has time to go into a full attack, and honestly- with two relaxers in her system, she won't be worried about a thing" Ashton spoke for them.

"And this is something that has to happen?"

"We prefer to do it as soon as possible- before it gets to a bad stage where she has constant migraines and cries herself to sleep" I spoke, making her slowly exhale, nodding.

"Okay, when are we doing this?"

"Up to you, I don't have any surgeries booked for Wednesday, she would be my main priority the whole day" michael grinned

"Michael it's Monday, I can't convince her to do this-" "let us do that" I spoke, kissing her head gently.

"And how will you do that?" She shot back quickly.

"Like I said" I smiled as I looked to my beautiful girlfriend

"Relax and let us worry about everything"

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