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She held my arm as we all walked through the lights.

I was beautiful, something I wish we had close to us in America.

We all took turns taking pictures, getting family photos, not one person not smiling.

I soon held Vanessa into my chest, Calum holding her from her other side, Ashton hugging us all from behind and Michael crouched in the front, my mom smiling as she took the picture.

"Adorable family" Daryl spoke as we all pulled away, Vanessa smiling as she looked to me.

We soon went into a building that was decorated with snow and elves running around, the sound of kids screaming prominent.

We stood in line to meet Santa, the one thing my mom wanted from this trip.

Not one of us believed in Santa.

Calum was hugging Vanessa and Mali tightly, leaning his head onto Mali.

"My two girls" he smiled as I looked to him, making me smile.

Our biggest unplanned blessing.

We were soon up, taking different group pictures.
"Okay, Luke, Cal, Ash, Mike and Vanessa- you guys are last"
We all almost rolled our eyes, walking to the man in a costume who smiled lightly.

Ashton and I stood on the side of him, I put my hand on Vanessa's back as she stood beside me.

An elf holding the camera was talking to us all, trying to position us.

"Why don't you guys let the girl get closer to Santa- she's the youngest-" "no" we all said in direct unison, causing his eyebrows to move towards each other.

After arguing for a bit, I was sick of moving and them continually trying to force Vanessa closer to the man she didn't know.

We were lucky she was willingly standing beside him, this was a bigger step than she had taken since leaving California.

"Man, just take the fucking picture"

I believe that certainly got me into the naughty list.

We walked away laughing, everyone shocked from my patience.

"They're going to charge you extra for that picture"

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